Even if you only use the car once a month or only once a week, Your car still needs the same attention. Check your car regularly so that you are always safe when traveling. What should you look for? What should you do? The following are some tips on how to carry out a simple car inspection which has been quoted by Otodiva.com from The Car Connection. Come on, let's see!
1. Check tire air
Every month, You need to ensure all tires, including spare tire, and all tires must also be properly inflated. The proper pressure level for your vehicle's tires is listed in your car's owner's manual and on a sticker located on the driver's side door frame. Do not use what is written on the sidewall of the tire. Please also note that the front and rear tire pressure levels on some cars are different. Look for uneven tire wear at the same time. Why this is important? Uneven wear may indicate problems with alignment, wheel balance, or the suspension needs repair.
2. There was a check, coolant, and liquid
Furthermore, do a thorough check every month to ensure all the oil, cooler, and sufficient fluids are available. This means also checking the fuel level, engine oil and coolant, as well as brake fluid, transmission, dan power steering.
3. Check the hose
When you check the fluid level, Also check the hose for signs of cracking, or there are parts missing, hoses that may be cut or stripped due to contact with other components. Check the end of the hose for moisture, dry coolant deposits or buildup.
4. Make sure the lights are working properly
Check all lights including turn signals, parking brake, as well as backup lights and taillights. This will really help you on your journey, if one of them dies, You will have difficulties and it will be dangerous later.
5. Check the battery for good charge
At every oil change, check the battery cables to ensure they are installed securely. If there are signs of corrosion, remove wires to clean hidden areas that contact battery terminals. Depends on usage patterns and local climate, most batteries have a lifespan of three to five years.
Read Also, Tips to Make Your Car AC Cooler Than Usual