Most damage can actually be avoided if we maintain our vehicles properly. You don't have to be a fully qualified mechanic, cukup ikuti tips sederhana kami di bawah ini. Terlepas dari pemeriksaan DIY ini, pastikan mobil Anda tetap diservis sepenuhnya. Jika Anda merasa mobil Anda berada di ambang potensi kerusakan meskipun Anda telah berusaha untuk merawat mobil, lihat panduan kami tentang Mendeteksi Kerusakan Mobil. Berikut tipsnya yang dikutip oleh dari Come on, let's see!
1. Ban
Merawat ban pada mobil Anda sangatlah penting. Aturan terpentingnya adalah menjaga kedua tekanan pada level optimal, sambil menjaga kedalaman tapak dalam batas hukum. Di bawah ban kembung dapat menyebabkan ban terlalu panas. Periksa buku pegangan kendaraan Anda yang akan merinci tekanan yang benar dan ikuti panduan pabrikan. Pastikan untuk memperhitungkan beban tambahan yang mungkin Anda bawa karena ini akan memengaruhi seberapa banyak tekanan yang diperlukan. Pastikan Anda menerapkan perubahan apa pun saat ban dingin, karena melakukannya saat panas akan mengaburkan pembacaan.
2. Rem
Tak perlu dikatakan bahwa Anda harus selalu menjaga rem pada mobil Anda. Kegagalan untuk melakukannya dapat mengakibatkan kecelakaan langsung dan dapat mengakibatkan cedera serius atau bahkan kematian. Tentu saja pada saat yang sama mereka diuji dengan penuh semangat selama MOT. Jika Anda tidak merawatnya dengan benar, mobil Anda akan gagal dalam tes.
Menjaga mereka dalam keadaan baik datang ke bantalan rem. Selalu pastikan mereka memiliki sisa kedalaman yang cukup di dalamnya, agar tidak terlalu dekat dengan disk yang sebenarnya. aman tebalnya sekitar seperempat inci, yang dapat dilihat dari bagian atas roda. Tanda-tanda bantalan tipis juga merupakan suara gerinda atau mencicit saat Anda mengerem.
Sedangkan untuk rem cakram sendiri juga perlu dicek secara berkala. Mereka akan terlihat mengkilap tanpa goresan besar. Jangan terlalu khawatir tentang goresan kecil karena ini hanya menunjukkan sedikit keausan. Ketidaksempurnaan yang serius harus segera diatasi, karena Anda tidak ingin bantalan aus sampai ke disk. Berbahaya dan mahal untuk mengganti cakram pada bantalan.
3. Light
Ini bukan sesuatu yang secara alami muncul di pikiran, tetapi perawatan lampu depan mobil Anda sangat penting. Tidak hanya mereka diperiksa secara ketat selama tes MOT, but of course they are very important for showing and driving safely at night. If it is damaged in any way, this can cause serious problems regarding the safety of you and other road users. If the police find any problems, You will be withdrawn immediately. Checking your lights is very easy, just check out our checklist:
• Hazard lights
It also checks indicators at the same time, they should flash between 35 and 85 times per minute
• Brake Lights
You may need a friend's help for this one, unless you can see it in the reflection. Press the brake pedal and simply check its performance.
• Reverse Lights
Like brakes, this light is at the back. Just put the car in reverse and these lights will turn on clearly.
• Front lamp
Both lights on the front of the car must have the same brightness, pointing slightly down and slightly to the left.
• Main Beam
Just flick this on at the same time as checking the headlights. It will be very obvious if this works because of the increased brightness.
• Fog lamp
Like the main beam, its brightness makes inspection easy. Also make sure the warning lights are on in the car at the same time.
4. Windshield
The key to maintaining a safe windshield is to repair cracks promptly. Not just your security key, but your car will also fail its MOT if the driver's view is obstructed.
Final, pay attention to your windshield wipers and washer fluid. It goes without saying that if caught in bad weather this is very important for safe driving. Make sure the wiper blades are not cracked and always use de-icer in washer fluid during the winter months.
5. Oil
In short, Oil is essential to keeping your car on the road and in good condition. If you run out, Friction builds up in the engine which in turn causes overheating. Of course, this is a serious problem and can lead to expensive repairs or worse, total engine failure. It's easy to check your oil level, so do it as often as possible.
Lift the hood and find the so-called dipstick. After your car has been left idling for at least an hour, remove this and check if the oil is between the recommended lines. Pastikan mesin mobil dalam keadaan dingin sebelum Anda memeriksa levelnya karena oli panas akan memberikan pembacaan yang salah. Pastikan juga mobil diparkir di permukaan yang rata untuk memastikan Anda bisa membaca dengan benar.
Jika Anda membutuhkan pengisian ulang, jangan mengisi mobil secara berlebihan karena hal ini juga dapat menyebabkan kerusakan. Isi ulang sedikit demi sedikit sampai level yang diinginkan tercapai.
6. Air
Baterai di mobil Anda membutuhkan air agar dapat beroperasi dengan benar. Untungnya ini mudah untuk diperiksa, jadi lakukanlah secara teratur. Cukup buka kap mesin, cari baterai dan lepaskan tutupnya. Pada titik ini Anda harus dapat membaca ketinggian air dan menambahkannya jika diperlukan. Ingat Anda tidak dapat menggunakan air keran biasa. Beli air keran yang dirancang untuk penggunaan baterai. Final, like oil, Don't fill it too much because it will disturb the battery acid.
7. Car battery
The last thing you want is to get into the car early in the morning, perhaps before work or going to school and realizing the battery is dead. Of course this is not the end of the world, but this is certainly an inconvenience. Luckily if you use your car regularly, this shouldn't be too much of a problem. If not, make sure to give your car a reasonable run every few weeks to keep the battery charged.
8. Cooling
It is very important to keep the cooling system in your car. Otherwise it can cause overheating which is a big problem. The first and simplest step is to maintain the coolant level but top it up regularly. Always do this when the car is cold and on a level surface. Check the fluid level in the radiator, refill the coolant if necessary and replace the cap tightly and securely. When you do this, check for cracks or leaks in any of the surrounding pipes, includes clamps that hold the pipe at both ends.
If there is a leak, This is a problem that must be addressed immediately. Check for general wear of any of the pipes, is it fragile or needs to be replaced before it spills? If so, take the car for repair as soon as possible.
9. Steering
Near the power steering belt you will find the fluid reservoir for the power steering. This needs to be treated regularly to ensure the power steering remains fully functional. This is very easy to do because most of the time the reservoir is clear and easy to read. Some even have a dipstick so there's no reason to leave this unchecked. If the liquid is almost gone, just add it, but if you feel the need to do it regularly, You have to take the car to the garage. The last thing you want is for the power steering to fail as this can be very dangerous if you are driving at the time.
10. Fuel
If your car doesn't have a secure fuel cap, it will fail the MOT. If you see it's cracked, damaged, or leaking worse, take it to your local garage for repair. This may sound obvious but always monitor your fuel levels. You'll be surprised how much
people run out of fuel just by 'forgetting’ to check their gauges. Imagine running out of fuel on the highway, maybe on the way to the airport. It's always a good idea to know in your head where the next service station is and never run into a red zone on your gas gauge. Also make sure you know the type of fuel your car requires.
Read Also, 8 Tips to Extend the Life of Your Car Battery