Of course you want to maintain your car to keep it clean and cool, There are several tips for those of you who want to wash your car yourself and must pay attention to them during the process, among other things, you have to be careful to avoid scratches on the car body. Car washers must also regulate the water pressure appropriately to prevent the paint from peeling or fading. However, Sometimes we think when washing a car that we spend too much money to clean the car. So therefore, we definitely prefer to do it ourselves.
If your car has not been professionally washed for a long time, You may not want to wash it yourself. However, If you have a new car and think washing it outside will scratch the shiny new paint then do it yourself. Nah, Following are the tips that Otodiva.com has quoted from hotcars.com for those of you who want to wash your own car. Come on, let's see!
1. What to Use
Let's check the available resources first? Do you have a bucket and washcloth, sponge, and wipe? Do you have a hose long enough so you don't have to go back and forth to fill the bucket with water? See if you have a press or press washer lying around in the garage or shed.
If yes, then learn how to install and use it, to save a lot of water used, Let's protect the environment while cleaning the car. Use car wax, car wash soap, finishing and polish, semir board, and other products to wash your car.
2. Car Wash
First, You should not wash your car in the hot sun because it will ripen the soap and foam, that way it makes it harder for you to rinse it off, also makes you hot working in the sun.
Second, The location depends on the materials you find. If you find a long hose, so choose a shady area to park the car. If you have pressurized water, then choose an area, like the front page, where it's okay to make the environment a little wet. Remember, inpk,i will get wet, so choose the place appropriately to avoid unwanted damage to your property, or a neighbor's.
3. What You Need And What You Should Not Use
This is very important, never use old products that belonged to your father or grandfather. Not having an expiration date doesn't mean it's good for the next hundred years. Choose a washcloth with a cloth that won't scratch the shiny new surface of your car.
Wash thoroughly after use, Dirt left in it can scratch the car when it is used again if it is not cleaned properly. But if you are washing your old car, old t-shirts and clothes can help to wash your old car. Cutting up old jeans is best for cleaning the muddy underbelly of the car.
4. Use Bucket & Sponge
From all the materials you collect, You will most often use the bucket and sponge. Sponges have more foam than regular washcloths and absorb more liquid so they are more efficient to use.
You can use a bucket to save water and it will also make it easier for you to wash your car. Provide at least two buckets, one bucket of soap, the other contains water for a quick rinse.
5. Sequence for washing a car
First, you can do it from the roof of the car first, if it is a bigger car, You may need something to make washing your car easier. Apply water first, then soap. It's ideal for getting the whole car foamy and white.
After that, rear view section, car door handle, glass, between the car and then the wheels. Change the washcloth (jeans lama) when washing really dirty parts, such as the inside of the mud flaps and the inside arches around the wheels.
6. Dry it & Wipe off any remaining water/dirt that is still there
Now that you have finished cleaning the entire car, saatnya untuk mengeringkannya.Tentu saja akan kering secara alami, gravitasi menjaga kita dengan baik, you know. Tapi mari kita bantu mempercepat prosesnya.
Saat mengeringkan, Anda juga akan melihat beberapa titik kotor yang terlewatkan, jadi siapkan ember lagi untuk segera disabun dan dibilas. Dapatkan handuk penyerap super untuk mengeringkan mobil lebih cepat. Ada banyak handuk pengering mobil yang tersedia, pilih yang terbaik.
7. Waxing Mobil
jika Anda berencana untuk melakukan wax mobil maka Anda harus mengeringkannya terlebih dahulu, tetapi ada wax mobil yang bekerja dengan baik pada permukaan yang basah, jadi periksa produk Anda terlebih dulu. Jika ini adalah pertama kalinya, Anda harus membeli produk wax mobil terbaik. Dapatkan yang terpercaya dan lebih murah agar tidak menyesal jika terjadi kesalahan dan tidak bisa digunakan lagi.
8. Produk Pelengkap
Setelah Anda selesai waxing seluruh mobil, tapi rasanya belum lengkap.Terkadang pekerjaan cat mobil sudah terlalu tua, atau mungkin Anda perlu menyelesaikannya dengan produk lain. Setelah Anda terbiasa mencuci mobil sendiri dan waxing, maka Anda dapat membeli produk lain untuk memberikan kilau yang tahan lama pada mobil Anda. Ada pengkilap ban untuk menghitamkan velg, poles, dan lilin cair serbaguna yang bekerja dengan baik pada jendela dan pelapis bagian dalam. Ayo bersihkan bagian dalam mobil juga. Bersihkan kotoran dari dasbor dan jendela dari dalam.
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