It's hard enough to keep up with the daily tasks of being a mother. But did you know that there are several car maintenance things that mothers should do regularly? This may seem like a lot, but the truth is these important car maintenance tips will help your vehicle last longer and make it safer for you and your family. Here are some of them that have been quoted by Come on, let's see!
1. Change your oil regularly
You should make sure that your car gets an oil change every time 3.000 miles or three months. There are concerns about the impact of synthetic oil in some vehicles, but if you know that the oil is good for your car, So synthetic oil is highly recommended as the best choice because it lasts longer and works better in extreme temperatures.
You can also check the oil without having to take it to a repair shop. All you need is a screwdriver, an adjustable wrench and a piece of old wire hanger to insert into the dipstick tube.
2. Check the lights, turn signal, and wipers every month
You should make sure that your headlights are clean as well as all the other lights. If you are having problems with the lights in your car, it is important to treat it immediately. This may seem strange, but headlights may be an important light for driving at night or in adverse weather conditions such as rain or snow.
Checking your turn signal is equally important because you won't know that it makes it safe for you to maneuver in traffic. Wiper blades are also something you want to check regularly as they can stop working or get damaged easily. However, if your wipers need to be replaced, You can contact the nearest workshop. You need to have some spare parts too just in case.
3. Tune-up and replace air filter
Some mothers prefer to take their vehicle for a tune-up. But, there's no harm in doing it yourself as long as you know what you're doing. If you are having trouble replacing the air filter in your car, look for an oil change service that includes this at no additional cost. There are also online services that offer video tutorials on how to do this.
4. Check tire pressure every month
Your tires are the only thing keeping your vehicle on the ground. Sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa ban selalu dalam kondisi baik dan mengembang dengan benar. Bawalah ke bengkel terdekat, ini akan memudahkan Anda untuk mengawasi ban Anda dan menyadari adanya keausan, seperti tonjolan atau retakan di sekitarnya.
Menemukan keseimbangan tekanan udara yang tepat sangat penting karena mereka dapat aus lebih cepat jika terlalu longgar. Jika Anda menjaganya terlalu ketat dapat menyebabkan ban menjadi terlalu panas dan dapat merusak kendaraan Anda.
Di dunia di mana para ibu selalu bepergian, mungkin sulit untuk meluangkan waktu untuk perawatan mobil yang penting. Tetapi jika Anda ingin kendaraan Anda awet dan berfungsi dengan baik, ini perlu dilakukan. Kabar baiknya, ada banyak tips yang cepat dan mudah di luar sana untuk ibu sibuk yang tidak punya banyak waktu tetapi masih ingin kendaraan mereka dalam kondisi bagus, seperti yang dijelaskan di atas.
Read Also, Car Maintenance Tips That Female Drivers Should Know