When you are driving on the road, look in your rearview mirror, and realizing the car behind you is too close. If you have to stop suddenly, they will definitely hit you. This situation can be frustrating and dangerous, that's why it's so important to give enough space to the cars around you. The following is an explanation of safe driving distance that Otodiva.com quoted from Drivers Ed. Yuk, take a look!
Safe Driving Distance
When driving behind another vehicle, You can determine the safe distance between cars with the three second rule. That means that when a car passes a certain point, You should be able to count at least three seconds before you pass the same point. This is just the minimum safe distance between cars. More space is better when possible and is recommended when road conditions are not ideal.
Why Keeping a Safe Distance is Important?
Car accidents involving one vehicle rear-ending into another vehicle are one of the most common types of accidents and also one of the most dangerous in the world.. A study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that almost 30% of all traffic accidents resulting in serious injuries are caused by rear-end or consecutive collisions. You can help them as well as yourself to avoid fatal accidents by following the three-second rule whenever possible. If someone is too close behind you, it's best to let them pass first so they don't get too close to your car and further away.
Driving Techniques to Stay Safe on the Road
When heading out onto the street, It is important to be aware of what could be wrong to do. Then, You can take quick steps to prevent unwanted accidents. For example, by knowing that rear-end collisions are common and dangerous, You can make sure that you maintain a safe distance and that other people are not too close behind you.
It is important to remember that maintaining a safe distance is not only important but also an obligation for drivers to maintain safety and security when driving. Hopefully this article is useful!