Smoking is an activity that has become a habit for some people, because it is thought to calm the mind. Usually this activity is done after eating, while chatting, dll. However, There are also many people who are determined to do it because it is difficult to resist the habit of smoking while riding a motorbike.
Need to know, In fact, there are laws that prohibit smoking while driving. The reason reads : "Drivers are prohibited from smoking and doing other activities that interfere with concentration while riding a motorbike." Regulated by Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 12 of the Year 2019 Concerning Protecting the Safety of Motorcycle Users Used in the Public Interest. There is an article that emphasizes smoking while driving, namely Article 6 the letter C. Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 12/2019 guided by Law Number 22 Year 2009 regarding Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ Law). In Article 106 sentence (1) The LLAJ Law states,"Everyone who drives a motorized vehicle on the road is obliged to drive the vehicle reasonably and with full concentration."
However, if you are still determined to smoke while riding a motorbike on the highway, then you are considered to be driving a motorized vehicle on the road unreasonably, and carrying out other activities or being influenced by a situation that results in impaired concentration while driving on the road and will be subject to a fine of Rp 750.000 or receive a prison sentence of imprisonment 3 moon. This is being done by the government to deter motorbike riders who still dare to smoke on the road and not do it again.
When you smoke while riding a motorbike on the highway, Your left hand will automatically be removed from the motorbike handlebar, either to remove cigarette ash or to smoke the cigarette. This has the potential to cause accidents due to impaired concentration while driving. Also, In fact, there have been several motorbike accidents on the highway caused by smoking on the road. So therefore, Let's stop the habit of smoking when riding motorbikes on the highway. Apart from your own safety, this also applies to other drivers on the road. Hopefully this article can be useful!
Read Also, This is an easy way to get rid of cigarette smell in the car