Accident from behind, which is also known as a rear-end collision, is a result of personal negligence or can also be caused by another driver. This usually happens on toll roads and traffic lights, or often occurs when the car stops. This rear-end collision occurred because the rear driver did not maintain a safe distance between the car in front of him, making it difficult to control the speed of his vehicle. However, This can also happen if the driver behind you experiences brake failure. Not only that, It turns out that being sleepy can also cause rear-end collisions due to lack of alertness. This is one of the accidents that can be anticipated. There are several ways to avoid rear-end accidents, how is it?? Check out the method below which has summarized for you!
The first way, As drivers we must always be alert when driving. Always keep your eyes on the road to know the condition and situation of the road you are passing. Many rear-end accidents occur due to using gadgets while driving. Focus is one of the important things in driving.
Furthermore, You must maintain a safe distance between cars when driving. This is so that if another car brakes suddenly, You have intervals 3 seconds to respond by braking as well. This is very important to do, especially if you are driving on a freeway. At least the distance is approx 2-3 vehicle length, until several vehicles behind slow down safely.
Then, The final way is to don't forget to give signs such as turn signals if you want to change lanes or when overtaking another vehicle to avoid rear-end collisions. This has been regulated in Article 112 Law Number 22 Year 2009 regarding Road Traffic and Transportation. If you are negligent and do not turn on the turn signal, then you will be subject to a maximum prison sentence 1 month or a fine of Rp 250 thousand. A good driver must be able to synergize 4 hal, namely alertness (vigilance), awareness (awareness), attitude (behavior) and anticipation (anticipation).
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