For some people who have vehicles, You definitely want the appearance of your personal vehicle to look cooler. Some choose to just take care of it, However, there are also those who like to modify their personal vehicles, This depends on each person's hobbies. One thing that is often done is modifying the vehicle, especially for two-wheeled vehicles, covering the mica headlamps of motorbikes with stickers. This is done so that the motorbike looks cooler according to the user's wishes. But, It turns out that coating stickers on the headlamp headlight mike is something that has a negative impact on your beloved motorbike. What are the bad impacts?? has summarized the explanation below, let's see!
At the moment, Maybe it has become a trend and it is quite normal to coat stickers on motorbike headlamp mica. Apart from the windshield and orange peel body, The reflector or headlight housing on a motorbike is one part that should not be covered with stickers. However, This trend should not be followed. Because, if your motorbike's headlights are still bulb models, The stickers are actually prone to melting and when exposed to hot headlamp emissions they make an ugly appearance. This melted sticker will leave glue residue on the reflector and be difficult to clean. What's left is that the reflector will become blurry. This is very unfortunate for your motorbike. Not only that, Usually motorbike factories add a special coating to motorbike lights, which serves to protect against scratches.
However, If you still want to coat stickers on your motorbike's headlamp mica. The sticker will not stick well and will lift off quickly. The impact, the reflector actually becomes dull and yellow. This will actually make your motorbike look bad. The emission from the lamp trapped in the headlamp will also make the mica brittle because of the heat caused by the mica being coated with stickers or window film.. So therefore, You should not put stickers on your motorbike's headlamp mica, because it will make the reflector more durable 10 year of use.
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