The auto lock feature on a car is automatic control from the ECU (Electronic Computer Unit). Even though electricity is supplied, Not sure the cause is electrical. The auto lock on the car often doesn't work suddenly. If this happens, You should check several parts of your car door and car lock first, and don't panic or be afraid. For cars that have a smart key feature, The car's auto lock may not work if you take the key out. So below, There are several causes and solutions if your car's auto lock doesn't work, which has summarized for you. Come on, let's listen!
Car auto locks usually don't work because drivers usually prefer to open the lock from the manual lever. When a passenger wants to get out of the vehicle, usually the driver opens the lock manually from the door next to him. So that, all door locks will open. But, because automatic and manual functions are continuous with each other through wire interspersing, then problems could occur because of this habit. If you do this habit regularly, then the alternating wire becomes saturated and can break, like a wire being bent over and over again. Not only that, Another cause is also in the cable. If the cable is broken or dirty, then an error will occur in your car's auto lock.
But, Don't panic if the auto lock on your car is stuck and doesn't work. The solution is, You can check the connecting wire. First of all, Open the door trim of the door whose auto lock function is not working. Then check the wire connecting the drive motor and also the door closing lever. If the problem is a broken wire, try replacing it with a new one. You can do this replacement process yourself.
To find the right type, just take the broken wire to an auto supply store. But not all problems require wire replacement. If you find that the connecting wire is broken at the end, You can stretch the wire to the side so that the wire can finally be attached to the bolt. However, if the cause is because the end of the wire is broken, You have to stretch the other side a little so that the broken part can be re-attached to the bolt.
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