If you are a clutch motorbike user, Maybe you will get a driving sensation that you won't get on an automatic or scooter. In recent years, sport motorbike users have continued to increase, displacing the manual duck market which continues to shrink. Different from scooters, Sports motorbikes are equipped with a manual transmission, aka using a clutch. That's what it's for, This component needs special care to maintain good performance. Machines that use a manual transmission or machines that use a clutch have their own maintenance methods.
Different from motorbikes or cars with automatic transmission. There are four important things that clutch motorbike owners need to pay attention to so that their performance remains excellent and they are worry-free on the road. Nah, Below Otodiva.com has summarized several things you need to pay attention to for your clutch motorbike engine. Let's take a look at the explanation!
The first thing is that you have to pay attention to the clutch lining on your motorbike. A problematic clutch lining can disrupt engine performance, especially when shifting gears. If the clutch lining is worn or eroded, it should be replaced immediately. Furthermore, Pay attention to the cleanliness of the clutch cable on your motorbike. If the clutch cable on your motorbike is dry, kotor, or it is not properly lubricated usually makes the pull on your clutch motorbike feel heavy. To solve it, Just pour anti-rust lubricant into the clutch cable via the lever handle.
Then, Don't forget to change the oil in your clutch motorbike engine. Engine oil has a very vital function in the working process of a motorbike engine. Because, Oil is able to provide a layer inside the engine while it is working. So that, makes engine performance smooth, not heavy, and does not heat up quickly. Oil changes should be done every 2.000 km.
Final, namely, pay attention to the quality of the fuel on your clutch motorbike. Fuel quality is also no less important in maintaining a motorbike with a manual transmission or clutch motorbike. High octane fuel is recommended for use in motorbikes. However, You also need to remember that not all motorbikes can use it, because there is a risk of the engine overheating quickly, depending on the engine compression.