A rusty tank on a vehicle is often only recognized by users when problems occur on the road. Rust on vehicle tank, especially in two-wheeled vehicles, it makes it difficult to start the engine because the gasoline in it is contaminated. The most serious impact is that the engine cannot be started at all. Imagine if you were in an urgent situation, for example, you have to go to work immediately, even though it seems trivial, Motorcycle tank determines engine performance. Sometimes people only focus on the body and engine but don't pay attention to the condition of the tank. As a result, the condition of the motorbike tank is sometimes worrying, such as rust, corrosion and even leaks. Nah, Therefore, below Otodiva.com has summarized easy ways to prevent rust on motorbike gas tanks, among them namely:
The placement of motorbike tanks varies, for example on sport motorbikes the tank is located at the front and visible from the outside as well as being part of the motorbike's exterior. However, the tank on a scooter or scooter is usually stored under the seat or in the middle of the motorbike deck. The function of the engine tank is to store gasoline as engine fuel. Each motorbike has a different tank capacity depending on the brand. If there is rust, The flow of gasoline from the tank to the engine is obstructed. This makes it difficult for the driver to start the engine. Engine age affects tank oxidation patterns. The older the machine, the easier it is for the gas tank to rust.
The first thing you can do to prevent a motorbike tank from rusting is as much as possible, don't let the tank empty too often or have only a small amount of fuel remaining., because if space is left in the tank and residual fuel is formed, a little dew will form, then the dew will turn into water, which can cause rust and corrosion on the motorbike tank.
Next, you can drain the motorbike tank regularly. This needs to be done to prevent the buildup of dirt which causes corrosion and the engine to clog.
Final, Don't spray water too hard towards the tank lid when washing the motorbike. Even if it is close and locked, However, this is also a small problem because even just dew or water splashes can enter the tank.
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