Every car has an emergency brake or what is usually called a hand brake, but many drivers don't know when they should use them. The emergency brake or handbrake is designed to hold, not stopping the vehicle, of course using them can help you regain control of your car in extreme situations. There are times when you have to use your handbrake too, including various parking situations. Here's when you should use this important security feature and when you shouldn't. The following are some of the right times to use the handbrake which Otodiva.com has quoted from Readers Digest. Yuk, take a look!
When the Main Brake is Failed
The emergency brake or hand brake is used when you are in an emergency. One of the most critical and frightening emergencies for a driver is when the brakes fail. If you can't stop your car, You have to slowly pull the handbrake lever so that your car comes to a complete stop.
Parking on Steep Streets
The most obvious time to use your handbrake is when you need to park your car on a hill or on a steep road. Have you ever parked your car uphill or downhill?? We can, Of course you use the emergency brake to ensure your car is in the same place when parking.
Car is Under Maintenance
When your vehicle is being serviced, You should apply the parking brake to take pressure off the transmission. Using the emergency brake while your car is being serviced can also help keep mechanics safe while your car is being serviced.
Parking Close to Other Cars
If you park near other people's cars, use your emergency brake. Because, The emergency brake can prevent the car from rolling, even if your car moves just an inch, You can spend a lot of your hard-earned money to repair your car if something breaks down.
Those are some of the right times to use the handbrake.
Read Also, Safe method for those of you who want to brake suddenly when riding a motorbike