An Instagram post suddenly went viral and shocked all netizens. This is because the post shows a luxury car with the plates of a DPR RI member parked in a parking area for special facilities for people with disabilities.. The black car appears to be parked in a mall basement.
Based on the post, it is known that it belongs to the Chairman of the Indonesian Consumer Community, David Tobing, via his Instagram account @dtdavidtobing on Wednesday, 8 December 2021.
In the post, David is shown uploading a black Toyota car with special plates for DPR RI members which has been parked on a sign for a special parking area for people with disabilities.. In the upload, David wrote that he hopes car owners really have special needs. “Hopefully it is true that the passengers in this car have special needs,” David wrote in the post.
Rio Octaviano as General Chair of the Indonesia Parking Association (IPA) said that the provision of special parking for people with disabilities was mandated in regional regulations. Jakarta has Regional Regulation no. 5 Year 2012 regarding Parking and Gubernatorial Regulation no. 102 Year 2013 concerning the Provision and Implementation of Off-Street Parking Facilities.
“So providing SRP (parking space unit) People with disabilities are one of the prerequisites for obtaining a parking permit. But in its use it is not explained in detail, Does the person who can park in that area have to be a disabled driver or can it be a normal driver but the passenger is disabled?. This was not explained in detail and this is a loophole in the law,” Rio said, Wednesday, 8 December 2021.
However, Rio also emphasized again that from an ethical perspective the use of space or areas for the disabled, then a driver who has a D driver's license is the person who is allowed to park in the disabled area. In Police Regulation no. 5 Year 2021 Regarding the Issuance and Marking of Driving Licenses, it is emphasized that people with disabilities can drive vehicles but must hold a D SIM for motorbikes and a DI SIM for cars.
Until now, it is not yet known which member of the DPR is using the official car who is parked in the special parking area for people with disabilities. However, This upload has received a lot of negative responses from netizens due to the behavior of car users.
“The effect of not bringing a driver this time, bro, so he didn't understand what the symbols on the bottom of his car meant,” wrote one netizen in the comments column on the upload on the @dtdavidtobing account.