Indonesian citizens, especially vehicle users, Both two-wheelers and four-wheelers must be prepared with the latest regulations regarding vehicle number plates that will be equipped with chip technology. These regulations are currently in the preparation stage by the Traffic Corps (Traffic Corps) National Police. Using this chip will later contain vehicle data from the public.
The implantation of chips on vehicle number plates refers to the National Police Chief's Decree No 5 Year 2012 regarding Regident which has been changed to Perpol No 7 Year 2021. One of them is about changing the basic color of the number plate to white and the letters and numbers to black. In the future, this sophisticated registration number will be installed on four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles. This information was conveyed directly by the National Police's Traffic Corps Director, Brigadier General Yusri Yunus.
According to her, Currently these regulations are still in the preparation stage, After that, socialization will be carried out first and finally the implementation of the rules that will be implemented.
“The process is still long. We have a lot to prepare, about the rules, data and others. But in the future it will be based on technology,” said Yusri Yunus, quoted from PMJ News, Tuesday 4 January 2022.
Yusri Yunus said that implanting chips in vehicles also aims to encourage the implementation of ETLE. ETLE is a law enforcement system in the traffic sector that is based on information technology using cameras which are recorded directly to take action against traffic violators..
“To encourage ETLE too, because later everything will be electronic based. So a chip will be implanted in the number plate and the data of the vehicle owner will be printed on it,” explained Yusri Yunus.
“If it does not comply, action will be taken or fined in accordance with applicable regulations,” said Yusri Yunus.
However, for its implementation, Yusri Yunus still cannot provide further information considering that we are only entering the initial stages, namely preparing the rules and facilities and infrastructure. However, he confirmed that the regulation would be national in nature.
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