Increasingly sophisticated technology, especially in the automotive sector, makes it easier to secure vehicles. One way is to add security such as a car alarm.
Currently, the latest cars use this security feature to prevent theft.
Actually there are several other functions of the alarm installed in the car. So it's not just for decoration or to make the car look cool. There are several components that are connected to each other so that the alarm can work properly.
Prevent theft
The first function is to prevent theft. The sensor which is a component of the alarm is usually in the form of a switch and is installed on the door. When the car door is opened, This switch then sends a signal to the part control unit.
The signal originating from the sensor will then be captured by Unit control. Here Unit Control will enable giving output in the form of flashing lights or sirens as a sign of danger. That is why the car will sound an alarm if touched by a stranger.
Security System
The presence of an alarm not only functions to prevent car theft, but also for other security systems. An example of the security function referred to here is preventing attempts to break into or damage a car.
Thieves today are increasingly sophisticated and have adequate tools to carry out their actions. Therefore, Sensors are installed to easily detect suspicious activity in your car. For example, trying to force a door open with a certain tool.
Warning signs
Previous cars did not have a built-in alarm. However, you can install your own car alarm to support the security system. This alarm will be very useful, not only to prevent theft, but also as a warning when there is danger.
When you're driving at night after work, Of course I was very tired and less focused on paying attention to the road.
In this case it could be that a few meters in front of you there is an object that should be avoided. At times like this, The alarm will automatically sound as a warning.
Find the location of the car
Even though it sounds trivial, However, this function is important for vehicle owners. A car that is equipped with an alarm will be easy to find when parked in a public or busy area. Generally, a car key is attached remote control.
Maybe most people think that remote control This only functions to lock and unlock the car door. Usually on remote there are four knobs, namely to open and lock the door, open the trunk door, and the other for the alarm.
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