As a supporting company peace of mind in driving, Astra Insurance actively provides literacy and even holds the Always Drive Safely driving safety campaign, which is also part of the Astra Group's driving safety campaign, 'Indonesia Let's Safe Traffic' which has been running for a long time 15 year.
Partnership with the car community is one of the ways Garda Oto from Astra Insurance can reach public awareness about safe driving. At the beginning of the year 2022 This, Astra Insurance again held the Garda Oto Car Community New Year Virtual Gathering which awarded the Garda Oto Car Community Award and a sharing session discussing insurance knowledge.
In order to establish good synergy with the car community and a moment of appreciation for the positive response from the car community every year, Garda Oto presents the annual Garda Oto Car Community Award as an appreciation divided into three categories, yaitu The Most Engaged Community on Social Media, The Most Contribution Community, #AlwaysDriveSafely Pioneer.
Apart from these three main categories, Garda Oto also gave a Special Mention Award to communities that contributed to the Garda Oto Car Community program in 2021. The winner is the Indonesian Calya Sigra Family (ICSF).
The Most Engaged Community on Social Media was successfully achieved by Toyota Sienta Community Indonesia (TOSCA) as first winner, Silver Cars Community Indonesia (SILVERIANS) as second place, and Toyota Yaris Club Indonesia (TICI) as the third winner because the community was considered to have always actively interacted in campaigning for the Garda Oto program on social media throughout the year 2021.
Furthermore, the Most Contribution Community category was won by the Toyota Yaris Club Indonesia (TICI) because it is considered a community that has an active role in participating in Garda Oto activities in providing financial literacy education.
The third category is #AlwaysDriveSafely Pioneer which was given to the Toyota Sienta Community Indonesia community (TOSCA) for assessing the community's activeness in the #AlwaysDriveSafely defensive driving campaign throughout the year 2021.
“The new year is a moment for us together to prepare to go further for new achievements, One of them is by increasing public awareness of the importance of driving safety. This is the time for us all to join hands in synergy to further campaign for safe driving habits. Because a stick won't mean anything, but it will be stronger when put together,says L. Iwan Pranoto as Head of Communication & Astra Insurance Customer Service Management.
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