Buying a car from abroad is not easy. There are several requirements that you must complete before owning your favorite vehicle. When talking about people's tastes, of course not the same. One of them is choosing a four-wheeled vehicle such as a private car. Even though Indonesia has many automotive companies with various interesting products, but not everyone wants to have it.
To be able to fulfill someone's desire in choosing a car, quite a few people import goods. Especially for lovers of the automotive world. Always thirsty and wanting good things, good in terms of specifications, performance and appearance.
One thing that is increasingly being chosen is bringing in cars from abroad. Even though it's used, doesn't mean you can buy it easily. This is like if you want a used car from a foreign embassy in Indonesia. There are several special requirements that must previously be met.
Managing the customs bureaucracy, which is considered complicated, must be carried out. It is for this reason why there are no used car dealers or brokers from abroad. How to buy a car from abroad is quite difficult. Not all dream used cars can be found at used car showrooms.
Ministry of Industry Regulations Regarding Used Car Imports
Imports of used capital goods can be carried out as long as they meet the applicable requirements. The legal basis is contained in the Minister of Industry Regulation Number 14 year 2016 Concerning Technical Criteria for the Import of Capital Goods in a Condition that is Not New.
This Minister of Industry Regulation was issued as a follow-up to Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 127 year 2015 Concerning Provisions for the Import of Capital Goods in a Condition that is Not New. Capital goods in question are goods used as business capital or to produce something that is still suitable for use or to be reconditioned, remanufakturing, or put back into use.
Types of used capital goods that can be imported include those for the needs of the land transportation industry group, maritime industry, electronics and telematics industry, as well as the machinery industry. Companies that are allowed to import used capital goods, including being required to have an industrial business permit, company profile, plans and reasons for utilizing used capital goods.
Based on these two regulations, we can conclude that the government only gives the green light to import vehicles that are not for personal use. Existing regulations prohibit the import of intact used cars. That's why many traders work around this by having their cars mutilated or stripped down first so they can be considered spare parts.
Buy Used Foreign Embassy Cars
Another way that we can do is buy from a foreign embassy. Not often, Embassy offices use vehicles produced by their country and do not exist in Indonesia
Importation of motorized vehicles by Representatives of Foreign Countries and International Agencies is indeed free from import duties. However, when it was transferred to civil society, The recipient must pay import duties and import taxes in the form of VAT, Income Tax article 22, and PPnBM.
Calculating the customs value is obtained by multiplying the official motor vehicle price on the domestic market by the adjustment amount. Meanwhile, the adjustment figure includes the import duty tariff component, Import VAT, Import PPnBM, Income Tax article 22, as well as other expenses.
When you want to buy an ex-embassy car, we need to calculate the adjustment rate ie 48,48% of the car price. Furthermore, import duty rate 50% of the adjustment rate. With various VAT calculations and so on, then the amount of BM and PDRI that must be paid for the transfer of motorized vehicles reaches approx 50% from the price of the car.
Purchase via Customs Auction
An anti-complicated method that we can use if we want to get a used car imported directly from abroad is to take part in an auction. Often the Directorate of Auctions and State Assets conducts special vehicle auctions for unclaimed assets that are already at the entry port (harbor) customs area.
Auctions are usually held after the goods have settled for a period 3 until 5 tax year with a minimum purchase of 1-lot. The purchase amount usually consists of 6 until 10 units and the units are determined by the state auction committee.
Another alternative for importing used motorized vehicles into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia is if you have acquaintances who are diplomats or Indonesian citizens who will return from assignments abroad.. Since 2001 regulations allow you to bring it 1 vehicle units as moving goods.
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