It's not easy to recommend a type to new riders, especially for female riders. But, There is one tip that is rarely debated in the biker community, namely buying a used motorbike.
Unless you have a lot of money to have fun, don't buy a new motorbike as your first ride. The probability of dropping it is high, but this is not meant to discourage, but rather to help educate.
The following are: 3 Motorbike recommendations for new female riders have been quoted by from Twisted Road on 24 March 2020:
Kawasaki Ninja 250
The components on the Ninja are light, so they are very nimble and fun to drive around town. This motorbike will not be used for touring, and the riding position can be intimidating at first, tetapi lutut dan kaki Anda harus diselipkan secara alami ke dalam alur di sekitar tangki dan memberikan pengendaraan yang lincah dan menyenangkan! Motor ini dapat membuat Anda percaya diri dan dapat disesuaikan secara estetika agar sesuai dengan kepribadian apa pun!
Harley Davidson Sportser
Harley Sportster hadir dalam beberapa variasi dan dua ukuran mesin pokok: 883cc dan 1200cc. Motor ini bisa dibilang pilihan paling serbaguna untuk pengendara baru, baik pria maupun wanita.
Simply put, Harley Sportster memiliki harga yang murah, andal, cocok untuk sebagian besar tipe tubuh, dan hadir dengan kemampuan penyesuaian tak terbatas dan loyalitas merek utama. Fitur penting lainnya dari Sportster termasuk distribusi bobot yang hebat dan ketersediaan suku cadang yang murah.
Honda Rebel
Honda Rebel tersedia dalam beberapa ukuran mesin: 250cc, 300cc, and 500cc. This lightweight motorbike is very easy to ride for learning purposes. Honda Rebels are very cost effective, especially if you're someone who really likes shiny new toys over used ones.
Like most Japanese cruisers, these are inexpensive to insure and maintain, and the styling hasn't changed much over the past two decades with traditional cruiser styling, lots of chrome, spoke wheel (choose), and transmission 5 speed.
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