Otodiva – In accordance with the Astra 2030 Sustainability Aspirations terkait Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (OF THE), to increase the inclusiveness of people with disabilities in Indonesia so that they get equal opportunities, through the Earth Care Relay (EPB) in Semarang, Astra Insurance distributed assistance for the construction of school building facilities at the Foundation for the Development of Disabled Children (ESPECIALLY) Semarang to ensure that all children receive a proper education. Not only that, Astra Insurance also provides scholarships to a number of students to support the learning and teaching process more optimally and to pump up the enthusiasm of the students as the nation's successors to be more active and studious.. Equipped with four other pillars, namely education, health, environment, and entrepreneurship, EPB's aspiration series in Semarang also provides financial literacy and provides scholarships to vocational school students at SMKN 3 and Ignatius Vocational School Semarang, inauguration of the solar panel installation at the Semarang Astra Insurance branch office, provision of ambulance units to Madrasah Diniyah Darussalam Jepara as well as distribution of revolving funds for MSMEs in a number of places of worship spread across the city of Semarang on 6 & 7 February 2024.
On the first pillar, namely education, in addition to providing support for inclusive education for people with disabilities, The EPB series also provides literacy regarding financial management aimed at vocational school students, specifically at SMKN 3 and Ignatius Vocational School located in Semarang. This activity was carried out with the aim of supporting government policies and the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to increase public financial literacy in Indonesia to provide an understanding of healthy financial management, but also with the hope of creating people who can mobilize the nation to be able to compete in global partnerships. While visiting, Astra Insurance also provides scholarships to a number of students and supplies computer units to support the teaching and learning process so that it can be maximized and provide a sense of peace of mind.
Moving on to the health pillar, Astra Insurance distributed ambulance units to Madrasah Diniyah Darussalam in Jepara. Not only intended for students, This ambulance unit can also be used by local residents who need emergency assistance quickly because most hospitals are located in the center of Jepara city which tends to be far away so people have difficulty getting first aid.. Ambulance units are an essential part of the health care system in providing emergency medical care and transportation to patients who require immediate medical attention. Besides that, Ambulances play an important role in connecting patients and hospitals during emergencies.
Completes the two previous pillars, through the EPB series in Semarang, Astra Insurance also continues its aspirations for the environmental pillar by inaugurating a total solar panel installation 16 capacity panel 8.720 kWp at the Semarang Astra Insurance branch office. Previously, Solar panels have been installed and are in good use at several Astra Insurance branch offices, like Tendean, Surabaya, Denpasar, While, and Palembang. Semarang is the next city where the company has initiated a movement to utilize clean, environmentally friendly energy as an effort to preserve the environment through reducing greenhouse gas emissions. (GREEK) and reducing the impact of global warming by switching old energy to renewable energy with the massive development of solar energy. Through the installed solar panels, Astra Insurance has succeeded in reducing CO2 (Carbon) as big 7.260 kilograms per year or the same as planting 358 tree trunk.
Then, on the pillar of entrepreneurship, Astra Insurance distributes revolving funds for Micro Businesses, Small, and Secondary (MSMEs) in a number of houses of worship spread across the city of Semarang. This aspiration is realized with the aim of maintaining the sustainability of the revolving fund assistance program that the company implemented last year so that it can stimulate the economy and develop local community businesses in order to increase sales productivity and income., which ultimately helps improve the Indonesian economy.
“We have a great responsibility for this Earth and its aspects. Of course, in order to realize sustainability which is not only temporary and can improve the welfare of society, a lot of support from various parties is needed., like the Pentahelix collaboration. Through series and other commitments realized through EPB, The hope is that it can inspire people out there to provide positive benefits as a whole and evenly. This may not solve the problem overnight, but will make changes and differences as time goes by. And more and more people are doing this, the greater the impact,” said Compliance & Risk Management Director of Astra Insurance, Adi Sepiarso.
Earth Care Relay Aspirations (EPB) is a series of ongoing activities initiated by Astra Insurance in 2022 and has succeeded in carrying out sustainability efforts and spreading its benefits to the community and surrounding environment 11 the city is Medan, Semarang, DKI Jakarta, Balikpapan, Makassar, Denpasar, Sumba, Cianjur, Surabaya, Malang, as well as Palangka Raya and will continue. In carrying out its mission, Astra Insurance supports four pillars, including the education pillar, health, environment, and entrepreneurship. The series of EPB activities were created to improve Indonesia's prosperity by considering various aspects for the sake of mutual sustainable development. This is in line with Astra Insurance's fourth mission, namely, become a business citizen who carries out social responsibility and manages the environment sustainably. Astra Insurance will continue to contribute in future cities to provide a sustainable impact to provide peace of mind for millions of Indonesians.