Otodiva – Every year before a big holiday like Lebaran, The homecoming tradition has become an important part of Indonesian culture. According to estimates by the Ministry of Transportation (Ministry of Transportation) for this year, The number of travelers during the Idul Fitri period is estimated to reach 193,6 million people, increased from the previous year's record 123,8 million people. With a surge in the number of travelers, It is important for every driver to pay special attention to driving safety, ensure safety and comfort for himself and other road users during the trip.
To support driving safety in the community, Garda Auto, car insurance products from Astra Insurance, actively providing literacy and education about the importance of driving safely. This is in line with the #AlwaysDriveSafely campaign which is realized through activities such as the Car Community Gathering and OtomoTALKS. Garda Oto also collaborates with various car communities to hold events at Rumah Sarwono, Sunday market (30/3), with the theme #Simple Steps to Implement Eco Driving When Homecoming.
In the first session of OtomoTALKS, Garda Oto provides education regarding driving safety, especially aimed at community members who plan to go home. This material was delivered by the Indonesian Senior Instructor Safety Defensive Consultant (SDCI), Sony Susmana. In his presentation, Sony highlights the importance of thorough preparation before starting your homecoming journey, including carrying out a thorough inspection of the vehicle to ensure it is in prime condition both when leaving and returning from the trip home.
Besides that, the importance of stress and fatigue management when traveling long distances is also emphasized, because this is often the main focus on a long journey. Furthermore, in the event, Sony highlights the benefits and importance of using eco driving techniques to maintain driving efficiency, which can save fuel and reduce emissions. According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, The application of eco driving techniques has been proven to reduce fuel consumption by 10-15%. This technique involves the driver in applying the basic principles of safety in driving, to achieve higher efficiency in fuel use and reduce the impact of environmental pollution.
"During preparation, it would be good to also determine the refueling and rest routes so that the journey can take place effectively, to the calculation of toll fees and petrol that will be used. At the preparatory stage, role eco driving very important because it helps manage operational expenses better as a result of saving fuel used. Apart from implementing safety until eco driving, Drivers also still have to provide insurance protection for their cars to mitigate the risk of unpredictable or unwanted losses occurring,” Sony added.
Next in the second session, Head of PR & Astra Insurance Activation, Angela Anindita explained that Garda Oto customers who want to make a claim during the homecoming period do not need to worry, because the Garda Center service from Garda Oto remains open following operational hours mall. To facilitate the claims process, on this occasion, Angela urges you to confirm your car insurance policy and driving license (SIM) active driver, have a vehicle registration certificate (vehicle registration) still valid and a local police certificate, do not violate traffic rules/signs, Use the vehicle as stated in the policy, not under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, and understand the guaranteed risk provisions again, expansion of existing guarantees, as well as exceptions to the policy so that claims run smoothly.
OtomoTALKS also held a Car Community Homecoming Safety Challenge “How Safety Are You?”. Challenge This invites the community to create their own cars to look like they will be used for going home while still paying attention to safety and comfort when driving on the road. The community also uploads their safe homecoming tips to expand driving safety education. Besides photo challenge, Garda Oto also presents booth activation as part of literacy and introduction to various Garda Oto products and services through games prizes that participants can participate in.
“Driving safely is not just about your own life, but also about tolerance and caring. By driving safely, we can also save fuel and reduce emissions even better by implementing eco driving. Apart from helping reduce air pollution, eco driving can create comfort for drivers and passengers when driving because it encourages drivers to reduce speed and avoid safe distances in order to go home for Eid this year, everyone can do it with taste peace of mind so that the Lebaran moment becomes more meaningful and abundant with good benefits. Hopefully through this activity, Car community colleagues as one of the pioneers of driving safety can disseminate information more widely so that they return home for Eid this year 2024 this can be safer and more comfortable,” Tutup Head of PR, Marcomm, & Astra Insurance Event, Laurentius Iwan Pranoto.
OtomoTALKS; #Simple Steps to Implement Eco Driving When Homecoming is a Car Community Gathering event organized by Garda Oto, car insurance products from Astra Insurance. This activity is also part of the #SimplifiedSteps public relations campaign initiated by Astra Insurance in realizing SDGs points 13 “Tackling Climate Change” in taking immediate action to address climate change and its impacts.
In line with Astra Insurance's vision "Bring Peace of Mind to Millions" in every phase and moment of life to consistently support every step of change, It is hoped that this activity and the #SimpleSteps public relations campaign can be used as a stepping stone and voice of encouragement for customers and the community to start implementing resolutions that provide a positive influence to create peace of mind for yourself and your surrounding environment for today and the future. More complete information regarding this public relations campaign can be obtained via the Instagram account @bisnisastra.