Otodiva – Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors (KTB), distributor of Mitsubishi Fuso commercial vehicles in Indonesia, inform that MELTED Standby Workshop 24 Hours remain open during the Eid holiday 7 day of the week for 24 Hours and presents various after-sales service promo programs.
Aji Jaya, Sales and Marketing PT. Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors, said "Mitsubishi Fuso remains committed to providing the best service for consumers during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, one of which is by continuing to provide Standby Workshop facilities 24 Hours during the Eid holiday. The mechanical team's guard arrangements have been adjusted and scheduled. So there is no need to worry for consumers who continue to carry out business activities during the Eid holiday, Their operational trucks can still carry out maintenance and repairs at the Siaga Workshop 24 The watch remains in excellent condition.".
In welcoming the month of Ramadhan, Mitsubishi Fuso also held an Iftar together with consumers at 17 Standby Workshop point 24 Hours throughout Indonesia with different dates in each region. By inviting 30 selected consumers to break the fast together with KTB Management and Dealer Management. Consumers who attend are entitled to receive Eid al-Fitr souvenirs from Mitsubishi Fuso and also have the opportunity to win door prizes.
Apart from that, consumers who provide service on site during the event or who book service are entitled to get a voucher worth IDR. 50.000,-. This event was carried out by Mitsubishi Fuso in collaboration with dealers who were facilitated by Bengkel Siaga 24 The clock is in the city of Jakarta, Ciawi, Bandung, Banjarmasin, Tangerang, Surabaya, While, Palembang, Semarang, Tangerang, Bekasi, Makassar, Sidoarjo, Holy, Lampung and Cirebon.
Consumers can also consult directly with the after sales service team from KTB and professional dealer staff regarding the Standby Workshop facilities 24 Hours and other after-sales services. To provide the best service for consumers during Ramadhan and Eid, Mitsubishi Fuso presents an after sales service promo program in the form of service discounts for services and spare parts amounting to 10%, discount engine oil 20% as well as free visits to Mobile Workshop Services*(S&K Occurs) which occurs until 31 Mei 2024.
The dealer's professional mechanics will serve consumers who come to Bengkel Siaga 24 Jam. Consumers who want to carry out maintenance can book the service in advance so that it can be scheduled properly. Consumers can also contact customer service via WhatsApp on the telephone number 081141500144 by choosing the Bengkel Siaga technical assistance service 24 Jam.