Otodiva – Welcoming Eid al-Fitr, Muslim communities in Indonesia are increasingly busy preparing to return home and various social activities. Seeing this phenomenon, Populix released a report entitled “Insights into Indonesia’s Eid Al-Fitr Homecoming and Social Activities”. Based on this report, more than 50% respondents started preparations for Eid al-Fitr during the third and fourth weeks of Ramadan, showing a proactive approach in ensuring that all necessary preparations have been completed well in advance Eid Al-Fitr.
“Approaching Eid al-Fitr, Muslim communities in Indonesia have their own traditions in carrying out activities during the month of Ramadan, one of them is the Eid homecoming trip. In our report it looks like more than 60% respondents will travel home for Eid, with the majority of destinations in the province of Java. Apart from going home for Eid, Social activities have also emerged as a new habit for people in Indonesia, such as distributing takjil on the street to distributing alms through official charities. The community even involves families in this social effort, so that it can strengthen relationships between family members, while fostering solidarity, unity and shared responsibility within the family,” said Timothy Astandu, CEO & Co-Founder Populix.
Returning Home for Eid Al-Fitr
As much 62% Muslims plan to return home during the Eid al-Fitr holiday. There are two main reasons behind this decision, namely an annual routine activity (56%) and longing for hometown (52%). However, some chose not to return home (38%) because he doesn't have family in his hometown.
There is a prominent travel pattern when people return home and return to the city during the Eid al-Fitr holiday. According to Populix data, three to seven days before Eid is the peak of the homecoming flow, while the peak return flow is expected to occur on the third and seventh days after Eid. The main preparations for returning home include holiday allowances (THR) for the family in the village (70%), purchase of goods or gifts for the family (58%), and purchasing Eid cakes (50%).
Even though the majority of society (70%) worrying about traffic jams when “going home”, However, most still choose to go home with their families, shows the importance of family relationships and togetherness during this Eid moment.
As much 72% respondents prefer to use private vehicles for comfort and flexibility, while others choose public transportation and buy round-trip tickets.
Social Activities in the Month of Ramadan
Many Muslims are actively involved in social activities during the month of Ramadan, such as distributing free takjil which is increasingly popular. Most of them even allocate a budget of up to IDR 1 million to support this social activity, show the spirit of kindness and unity during this holy month. The majority of respondents prefer to be involved in social activities around the nearest mosque (49%), on the streets (48%), and around the home environment (48%).
As much 29% Respondents also stated their preference to contribute to good causes through credible organizations. Organizations such as Baznas, Dhuafa Wallet, and Rumah Zakat are the top three choices chosen by the community.
This social activity is not only an individual commitment, but it is also the desire of the community to involve their families. Around 70% respondents are more likely to involve their families in social activities when they gather together. Other methods used to involve families include the use of broadcast messages in short messaging application groups (45%), post on social media (39%), and provide donation opportunities via social media (28%).
To download the “Insights into Indonesia's Eid Al-Fitr Homecoming and Social Activities” report, please visit the following link.