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Otodiva – Produsen mobil listrik asal China, Net, menghadapi tantangan besar di pasar Thailand. Penurunan penjualan yang signifikan memaksa perusahaan untuk mengambil langkah drastis dengan mempertimbangkan…
Otodiva – Bagi banyak pengendara, suara mesin nglitik dan kehilangan tenaga sering menjadi momok yang mengganggu. However, dengan perawatan yang tepat, masalah ini bisa dicegah. Following…
Otodiva – Seiring meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya keberlanjutan, pariwisata hijau kini menjadi tren yang semakin diminati. Di tengah tuntutan akan transportasi ramah lingkungan, SM Green…
Otodiva – PT Hyundai Motors Indonesia (HMID) officially introduces the All-New SANTA FE, SUV premium yang dirancang dengan berbagai fitur inovatif dan performa terbaik di kelasnya. With…
Automotive – After previously it was only a mystery behind camouflage stickers, mobil listrik kedua dari Xiaomi akhirnya tertangkap kamera tanpa penyamaran di jalan raya China. Vehicle…
Otodiva – Starting January 2025, The government will implement a regional tax opportunity policy, replacing the provincial tax revenue sharing mechanism such as Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) and Return Duty…
Otodiva – The government plans to implement a motor vehicle tax option (PKB) and the opportunity to change the name of a motor vehicle (BBNKB) is a serious concern for automotive industry players.…
Auto2000 Service Transformation in Indonesia: Complete Automotive Solutions & Sustainable CSR
Otodiva – Since standing on 1975, Auto2000 continues to grow into the largest official Toyota dealer network in Indonesia. With 126 branches spread across the country, Auto2000…
Otodiva – In an effort to support the acceleration of electric vehicle adoption in Indonesia, Wuling Motors has once again demonstrated its commitment through participation in the PLN Mobile EVenture event: Explore Holidays with…
Otodiva – Kia Corporation has again stolen the attention of the automotive world by launching the world's first car accessories made from recycled plastic extracted from Great…