It seems that Volkswagen Group's three-star brands are semi-immune to the semiconductor chip shortage crisis. Standing in stark contrast to their American rivals, German automakers such as the VW Group, BMW, dan Mercedes-Benz melewati krisis jauh lebih baik selama berbulan-bulan. Tapi sekarang stok chip mereka mulai menipis dan ini berarti masa depan yang sulit jika mereka tidak dapat diisi ulang.
Quoted by from, According to Reuters, VW brands are concerned that chip shortages could increase in the coming months and this would seriously hurt profits.
“Meskipun ada tanda-tanda bahwa hambatan pasokan untuk semikonduktor mulai mereda, we expect a very challenging third quarter from a supply perspective,” Ujar Alexander Seitz, chief financial officer of the VW brand.
For the first semester of this year, car manufacturers managed to achieve record profits, terutama untuk kendaraan margin tinggi dari Audi dan Porsche. Porsche Taycan all-electric, for example, terus menjadi sangat populer. Terlepas dari semua kesuksesan ini, we were advised to keep our feet on the ground,” tambah CFO Porsche Lutz Meschke. “Karena terlepas dari ketidakpastian pandemi virus corona, situasi tegang yang terus berlanjut di pasar semikonduktor dapat menjadi nyata di kuartal ketiga.”
Last month, we reported that most BMW facilities in Europe are experiencing chip shortages, which means approx 10.000 the vehicle cannot be fully assembled.
It remains unknown whether the Spartanburg facility, South Carolina, home to the very popular SUV, mengalami masalah yang sama. Ada kemungkinan besar itu akan terjadi cepat atau lambat. Mengisi kembali pasokan chip industri otomotif bukanlah proses yang sederhana. Chip berukuran thumbnail ini rumit untuk dibuat.
Establish additional factories and increase output in existing factories, most of which are in Asia, takes time. Analysts don't believe things will return to normal until late next year. Until then, Automakers like VW Group have had to persevere and find creative ways to keep assembly lines moving.
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