Women drivers are often unfairly judged for their driving skills. If you are a woman and drive a car, You're probably tired of hearing stereotypical comments about women drivers being slow, reckless, and prone to accidents. But research proves otherwise, women are actually better drivers than men. There is little chance of having an accident. Nah, The following is a list of items that must be in every woman's car, as Otodiva.com quoted from Moneymax. Come on, let's see!

1. Charger Handphone

Forgot to turn on your phone last night? No problem—as long as you have a charger in your car. Even if your smartphone has a long-lasting battery, You never know when the battery will run out. You need enough battery life to make a call when your car breaks down and request roadside assistance. So, always have a charger ready.

2. Phone Holder

Safe driving requires your hands on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road. Mount your phone on a stable holder, so you can navigate more easily when using driving apps like Google Maps. Pair your phone with a Bluetooth headset, so you can answer important calls while you're driving alone.

3. Spare tire

Being a woman doesn't mean you can't change a flat tire yourself. Find the right spare tire for your car model and keep it in your trunk because you will definitely need it in a pinch.

4. Bottled water

You have to drink wherever you are, even when you're on the go. If your car breaks down and you are stuck somewhere with no comfort or shops nearby, having bottled water in your car will come in handy. It is also useful as a temporary fix for an overheating engine.

5. Menstruation Kit

Menstruation is the most feared thing every month. Your period may come too early or later than expected. Save yourself the stress and embarrassment by having extra pads on hand, feminine wipes, and pantyliners in a bag tucked under the driver's seat.

6. Big Sunglasses

Being stuck in traffic with the hot, glaring sun shining is not good for your eyes. Protect your eyes in the hot sun by wearing sunglasses as needed. Choose oversized sunglasses for better coverage and added style. It's a great way to hide eye bags and dark circles under the eyes!

Read Also, Safe Tips When Test Driving a Car

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