Is driving at night really risky? Of, clear. The traffic fatality rate is greater at night than during the day. To keep you safe on the road after sunset, we've put together a list of the best tips for driving safely at night. The following are tips that has quoted from I Drive Safely, that is:
Make Sure Your Windshield is Clean
Of course, A dirty windshield is very annoying. Dust that you might not notice during the day can also build up inside, so it's important to clean your windshield both inside and out. Besides being able to help you see the road, A glass that is clean from dust can prevent you from catching a cold.
Check Your Car Lights
The question is whether your headlights and taillights are working properly? Are the lights aimed correctly? What about your turn signals? You want to see and be seen without dazzling other drivers, so make sure everything is directed and working as it should. And don't hesitate to turn on your lights an hour before sunset; lights can help other drivers see you coming.
Don't Look Directly At The Light
Try to avoid looking directly at traffic lights. When there is a car coming towards you, do your best to direct your gaze down or to the right, while focusing on the white lines on the road. This will prevent you from being temporarily blinded by their headlights. So, Focusing on the road you are traveling on is better than looking at other people's car lights because it will be dangerous later.
Increase Distance and Reduce Speed
Of, we are all in a hurry to get home, but reducing your speed can reduce the risk of an accident. Use headlights to help you gauge distance and time when to stop. If you cannot stop in the illuminated area, meaning you are still too close.
Read too : Safety Tips for Women Who Drive Alone