Maybe some people feel worried about their vehicle's petrol running out very easily, even though you have just used the vehicle. How to save fuel in your vehicle and not run out easily? The following is the information quoted by from Come on, let's see!

1) Hindari idling

The idling engine is still burning fuel. If you are in slow moving or stopped traffic, consider applying the handbrake and turning off your engine. The same applies when picking someone up or dropping someone off, consider turning off the engine if you stop for a long time.

If you have a modern car with stop-start technology then take advantage of it. The system will automatically reduce the time you spend with the engine idling if used properly.

2) Stick to the speed limit

Speeding can increase your fuel consumption, but it is also dangerous for you and other road users. Stick to the speed limit and if available use cruise control to maintain a steady speed. It is recommended that you set your cruise control a few miles below the actual speed limit in case your odometer is slightly off.

3) Pay attention to the weight of your vehicle

The heavier your car is, the more fuel is needed to move it. Get rid of unnecessary burdens when you can, such as reducing luggage when it is not needed.

4) Accelerate and brake smoothly

Accelerating and braking hard uses a lot of engine power which in turn uses more fuel. Not only is it better for the environment to brake and accelerate smoothly, but it's also better for your fuel bill.

One way to avoid the need for harder acceleration and braking is to anticipate traffic ahead. If you are in a long line of traffic or on a road that you know has several traffic lights within a short distance, try walking at a slower pace rather than constantly speeding up and stopping suddenly. Because it can keep your vehicle rolling and save fuel by eliminating constant stopping and starting.

5) Take a combined trip

A hot engine is more efficient because your battery performs better in warmer conditions. One way you can improve your overall fuel economy is to combine several smaller trips into one longer trip. So if you go to a place you want to go, arrange it all at once, because it can save your fuel.

6) Service your vehicle regularly

Regular maintenance and servicing of your car to keep it in good condition can help save your vehicle's fuel. You must ensure the vehicle is serviced according to the manufacturer's guidelines and that all work is completed as soon as possible.

7) Check your tire pressure

One check you should do more regularly is measuring your tire pressure, because tires that are not inflated to the correct level can reduce your fuel economy as much as possible 5 percent. If you drive a lot, You should check your tire pressure once a month.

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