Apart from paying attention to what you bring in your suitcase, You also need to think about your outfit. Moreover, you will be traveling to nature where the temperature is cooler than usual. And don't forget to take cool OOTD photos at your destination. Therefore, it is necessary to be a little stylish. Nah, These are the tips that Otodiva.com has quoted from Stylishly Me for those of you who want to go on a road trip, Girls. Come on, let's see!
1. Wear comfortable but attractive shoes
Surely many women like high heels and wedges, but when it comes to your time most of it will be in the car, Of course you need shoes that can be easily put on and taken off and are comfortable when walking to explore an area in a short time. While traveling, You and your family usually look for locations you want to stop at along the way to your destination. Nah, At this moment you will take some photos and continue your journey. So, Comfortable shoes are key, choose flat shoes, slip on, atau sneakers memudahkan Anda untuk memakai dan melepas sepatu. Disarankan pada saat perjalanan musim panas, kenakan sepatu flat atau sepatu kets.
2. Wear Double Clothes in Certain Situations
Depends on what month and time of year you travel, You may need to wear warmer clothes but one thing to always remember is layers. If you are too warm, take off the layered shirt, if it's cold; add long sleeves, sweater, atau jaket Anda. Jika suhu sangat dingin selama perjalanan Anda, consider wearing a warm vest as a layer, Apart from being warm, it seems very interesting, you know.
3. Choosing Leggings Over Jeans
You want to be comfortable when sitting in the car for hours so I choose leggings over jeans or trousers. This way you can cross your legs freely. Black is better for leggings than other colors. Apart from looking slimming, it also hides blemishes.
4. Sunglasses
One more time, long hours in the car can be hard on you, so bring sunglasses handy to cover your tired eyes. Sunglasses can quickly hide your tiredness and if you spend hours under the hot sun, it can help protect your eyes. Sunglasses don't just make you look cooler, but it can also prevent wrinkles.
Read Also, Tips for Road Trips for More Thorough Preparation