Driving on a windy day can add an extra challenge to staying safe and arriving at your destination on time. The type of motorbike you ride and how you position your body will affect your ability to ride the motorbike in windy weather. The following are factors that Otodiva.com has quoted from the Motorcycle Legal Foundation that you can later apply when riding a motorbike in challenging weather.. Come on, let's see!

Tanks and saddlebags can add drag

Tank and saddlebags (if you have) can add a front area that can be penetrated by the wind. Saddlebags add extra area with wind and can cause extra resistance as air moves around parts of the motorcycle. This can have the same effect as a crosswind when it hits you from either side. Be careful about adding a bigger bag in this weather.

Be aware of wind obstructions

Big truck, building, bukit, and mountains, etc. will protect you from the wind temporarily, but it can create a wind tunnel when you drive from behind it. Berhati-hatilah karena truk dapat mendorong banyak angin di sekitarnya yang dapat menyedot Anda ke arah mereka atau mendorong Anda menjauh dan bergerak ke jalur lain.

Choose a safe path

It all depends on the road, traffic, and the weather conditions you will pass through. On a two-lane road, You can choose middle or left as oncoming traffic may push you to the right (or the shoulder of the road) as they passed by. Left or center will give you room to move right as needed. You can choose to tilt to one side of the lane to counter, so there is no perfect part to skip. On a section of road that has many lanes, lalu lintas mungkin mengharuskan Anda untuk memiringkan ke satu sisi jalan.

Check the weather

Nah, before you go on a trip, It's best to check the weather forecast on your cellphone. If detected it will be a windy day, choose a route where this is less likely. If there is no best route to avoid the wind, Maybe you can choose not to travel that day because the risks are great.

Protect your eyes

Wearing eye protection is very good in weather like this, the wind carries small debris such as sand and small stones that can disturb your view on the way and also this is very dangerous for you if you do not wear a stomach protector. However, wearing a full-face helmet can also help you.

Read Also, Tips to Avoid the Risk of Accidents when Driving at Night

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