along with time, More and more women are starting their hobby of riding motorbikes. This activity is no longer associated with men because the number of female riders is increasing so quickly. Riding a motorbike turns out to be quite a good sport, you know. So, here are some tips that has quoted from Motoress. Come on, let's see!
Ride According to Your Convenience
Whether you have just entered the world of motorbikes or have been riding for a long time, You'll notice how some fellow riders may pressure you into a type of riding you're not comfortable with. For example, You may not be ready to ride on the road and a tour group may ask you to tour with them. Avoid forcing yourself to follow them because each rider has their own comfort level. Driving nervously will make you a little more anxious. Riding nervously while riding a motorbike means a lack of self-confidence. It should be if you have a good riding buddy, they should respect your comfort level and not make you do anything you are not comfortable with.
Style Your Hair Correctly
Women tend to have longer hair than men. This means you have to style your hair in a certain way to stay comfortable and safe when riding a motorbike, especially if you are wearing a helmet, which you definitely know that your ponytail will be a little annoying if you style it wrong. There are some do's and don'ts for long hair when it comes to riding with a helmet.
Don't style your hair really loose and untied. Loose hair tends to move around a lot under the helmet, even if you don't move your head much. This can often be annoying, itching, and risk hitting your face and temporarily blocking your view. On the other hand, Don't tie your hair so tight that it's uncomfortable. This could mean a tight bun or tight braids that start at the top of your head. Wearing your helmet will pull it down and cause you discomfort. While riding a motorbike, tarik rambut Anda ke belakang agar tidak mengganggu bagian dalam helm Anda.
Don't Wear Loose Clothes
Female riders each have a different style and they love to embody their style while riding a motorbike. Although that's fine, There are several things about your wardrobe to consider. One of the biggest considerations is how loose your clothes are.
Loose clothing can be very distracting. Once you get on a motorbike, High wind speeds will flap it and it may penetrate your clothes so that too much wind will get into your body. It can also slap your skin. Apart from being annoying, can also be very dangerous. Avoid wearing unbuttoned cardigans, shawl, and skirt. Make sure your clothes are tight enough to keep you comfortable and won't get in the way.
Read Also, Tips for Riding a Motorbike in Windy Weather