Multitasking or doing many things at the same time is a characteristic of a mother. Maybe they make up while looking after the children, cooking while straightening clothes, etc. This cannot be completely blamed, but if you are a mother and multitasking while driving a car, this is something that is strictly prohibited, especially if you are carrying lots of passengers or even the passengers themselves are your children. So, here are some ways that has reported from A Girls Guide to Cars to avoid bad habits that most mothers usually do.. Come on, let's see!

1. Multitasking in the Car

Anda perlu memahami “multitasking” bukan berarti Anda memikirkan apa artinya. But what is meant, i.e. you're not actually doing two things at the same time. You shift focus from one task to another. It's impossible to look in the rearview mirror and make up at the same time. You can alternate between the activities, but you can't do both at the same time. Every second your eyes are not focused on the road can cause something bad to happen. Do things that you could do any other time but you do them while driving the car, it's simply not worth it because the risk is too great.

2. Check your child

This may sound cruel, but you can't turn around just to comfort your crying baby. Why not? This is another form of multitasking. How will you see animals crossing the road when you don't even look at the road? It's quite dangerous, isn't it?? It's hard to resist your maternal instincts, but that's in the best interest. Children cry for various reasons, like starving, boredom, and fatigue. Therefore, You need to prepare several things so that your child can fulfill his feelings about something, so you don't need to turn around to the back seat. If you have to check the baby, side by side first. You will do a better job of entertaining your child when you can concentrate 100% on his needs. Anda juga perlu menyiapkan dot dan mainan cadangan di kursi belakang.

3. Letting Stress Get to You

There is no doubt about that. Driving can be very stressful! Anxious drivers make more mistakes than relaxed ones. Keep some relaxing music in your car. Take a few deep breaths when you start to feel nervous. Because if you are not confident about your ability to drive in various situations, You will lose focus and that is dangerous.

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