Teenagers are often encouraged to take safe driving courses to improve their skills early on, but word is that now every driver regardless of age can benefit from a safety course.

One of the main reasons to take a safe driving course is accident prevention, but there are additional reasons to take driving lessons. Quoted by Otodiva.com from Nationwide.com, here are four benefits of taking a safe driving course. Come on, let's see!

1. Learn tips from qualified drivers

Driving is usually a skill passed down from one generation to another. Over the years no one knows how many bad habits young drivers pick up and teach.

“Teenagers may take classes at school that teach driving skills, but often the most influential teachers are parents,” said Bill Wade, National program director for safe driving courses, Tire Rack Street Survival.

“Most parents have no formal training, they are just showing their children what they are doing, and that's not always true,” he said.

2. Gain safety skills that go beyond the basics

Most drivers learn the basics behind the wheel. Drivers learn how to obey traffic signs, how to operate a car, and how to maneuver on the road.

“Every driver needs to learn the basics, but safe driving courses can add to those entry-level skills,Wade explained.

For example, it's worth taking the time to teach the driver how to recover the car in a bad situation.

“If the driver is not taught how to handle the car when it slips from slippery road conditions, or what to do when the brakes lock up, they just react,said Wade. “Every driver, whatever age, have to practice how to respond to situations like this.”

3. Learn to deal with distractions

Every driver likes to think that he is a safe driver, but with the cordless telephone ringing, the navigation system chirped instructions, and a radio that accepts music requests, it's not hard to get distracted while driving.

“Mengemudi yang terganggu biasanya dikaitkan dengan ponsel mereka, but distractions come in many forms these days,said Wade.

Every driver must learn how to eliminate or deal with distractions. This is best taught through a safe driving course, said Wade.

4. Rules may change over time

Some drivers are taught to think of the steering wheel like a clock, and keep their hands on the figures 10 and 2 for safe driving. With the advancement of airbags and changes in steering technology, the correct position now is 9 and 3.

Rules like these change over time, that's why taking a safe driving course is important. Students receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.

“I can't tell you how many parents listened during our class instruction and came up to me at the end of the course and said, 'I didn't know it changed,’ atau ‘Saya telah melakukan kesalahan selama ini. ,’” said Wade. “This shows that safe driving courses are valuable at any age.”

Another benefit of taking a safe driving course is potential insurance discounts. Find out how taking classes can save you money.

Read Also, This is what teenagers should do if their car breaks down while traveling

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