As a human being, we tend to think that something as unusual as this cannot possibly happen to us. The next time it happens and you don't know how to handle the situation. The statistics were even more frightening once one took a closer look. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) claim that 20% of the fires he responded to were vehicle fires. According to the latest US Fire Administration figures, 83% kebakaran kendaraan melibatkan mobil penumpang.
Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics and how to deal with it if your car suddenly explodes or catches fire. The following is the information quoted by from
Characteristics of Potential Car Fires
You must be able to identify early warning signs of a car fire. Here are some indications that a car has caught fire or may catch fire.
1. There is a smell of burning plastic
This is not a good sign. Don't ignore it and hope it will just go away. Pull over immediately, wait for the engine to cool down a bit, then investigate the problem.
2. Gas has a very characteristic odor
If you can smell fuel inside, it means there is something wrong with your car. Because the smell of this gas must not enter the cabin.
3. High engine temperature
Ini adalah tanda kerusakan mekanis yang parah. Ini mungkin tidak menyebabkan kebakaran, but this needs to be investigated.
4. The temperature inside the car is higher than it should be
If this happens to your car, this needs to be investigated as well. The heat of a malfunctioning catalytic converter will eventually enter the cabin.
What to Do When a Car Is on Fire?
If you experience the signs above and are sure your car is about to catch fire, follow these fire safety instructions :
1. Do not panic or act erratically.
2. Pull over to the side of the road when it is safe and turn off the engine.
3. Unfasten your seat belt and make sure you can move freely before helping other passengers. When talking about children, help younger ones first as they may have difficulty unlocking their child seats. Don't forget to pay attention to traffic too. Fire is definitely the number one danger, but it does not reduce the inherent risks of parking in places where vehicles are still moving at high speed.
4. Move away from the vehicle. The heat will be great, and tires can explode. The sound of burning tires can be annoying, but at least it wasn't a car that exploded. Flammable substances in a car can also cause an explosion. The higher the fuel level in the tank, the longer the fire will last.
5. When everyone has gotten out of the car safely and at a safe distance, call for help.
Vehicle fires do not occur as frequently as regular accidents, but it's frequent enough to be worrying. The big takeaway from this article is that approx 50% The causes of car fires can be eliminated through regular inspections and common sense. If your vehicle catches fire while driving, You should pull over immediately to be safe, immediately remove yourself and front and rear passengers from the car and away from it before alerting the fire department. Sebuah mobil terbakar terjadi jauh lebih cepat dari yang Anda pikirkan. In most cases, the car will burn to the ground before the fire department even arrives.
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