Riding a motorbike with your child is a very high risk, but if you follow the clear rules and tips, You won't have too much trouble doing this. Nah, Here are some tips that Otodiva.com has quoted from Moms, to help mothers who want to travel by motorbike with their children. Come on, let's see!

Wearing a Helmet That Fits
The first safety precaution you should take is to make sure that your child has a helmet. Buy a children's helmet that fits your little one's head. Experts recommend choosing a helmet with full coverage and a chin-bar. Some helmets are equipped with a face shield, but if you can't get it, make sure the child wears glasses.

Wearing Appropriate Clothing
It is important for your child to wear appropriate clothing during the trip. Just like a helmet, clothing can help protect your child if they fall. Think about the weather when choosing what to wear. Kids' leather jackets aren't just cool, but they are also comfortable and can help provide protection in the event of a fall. Buy your child a thick leather or denim jacket and pants, as well as some special children's gloves.

Correct Riding Position
Riding a child in front of you will interfere with your ability to ride a motorbike. Children also fall more easily. It is much safer for children to ride in the back. For added security, look for a passenger belt with a handle to keep the child safe. This belt helps ensure that the child is securely attached to you during the ride. Belts are especially useful when riding with small children who have difficulty holding on.

Follow the Road Rules
When you decide to go riding a motorbike, You should make sure that you follow the basic rules of the road. Sticking to the established rules is especially important when you have child passengers.

Before you decide to go motorbike riding with your kids, it's a good idea to teach them some basic safety skills. Small children tend to forget easily so you have to teach them over and over again. Berlatih naik dan turun dari sepeda dan ajari mereka bagaimana menjaga kaki mereka pada posisi yang benar. Semoga tips diatas bisa membantu Anda dalam mengendarai motor di jalan bersama anak Anda, especially young children.

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