A coolant leak may not seem like a big deal, but it can create a dangerous situation for your car's engine. Without the right amount of coolant, your engine could overheat. Because it plays an important role in how well your engine works, The coolant should be checked regularly. The most obvious symptom of a coolant leak is visible fluid on your garage floor. Because it's not the only fluid that can leak from your engine, penting untuk mengetahui apa yang harus dicari untuk menentukan jenis cairannya. Cairan pendingin biasanya berwarna hijau terang, orange or pink, and may have a sweet odor. If you notice a coolant leak, always clean quickly, because it is very toxic to humans and pets. The following are common causes of coolant leaks in the radiator, among them namely:

1. There is a hole in the radiator
Corrosion inside the radiator is one of the main reasons for coolant leaks. When the radiator tubes get older and weaker, You may get small pebbles or dirt in it causing the leak. The sealing gasket between the tank and radiator can also wear out, and can cause leakage. The hose connected to the radiator could also be the cause, as you get older, The radiator hose on your car will become hard and brittle, which means it won't close either. The places where they connect to the radiator, water pump, and the heater core all become susceptible to leaks.

2. Leaking radiator cap
The radiator cap may be small, but have a big job. The radiator is highly pressurized, and the cap is responsible for creating a tight seal that keeps the cooling system at the proper pressure. But over time, the seal may deteriorate or the spring may start to wear, which can cause coolant to leak out.

3. The water pump is damaged
Water pumps play an important role in ensuring that coolant is circulated throughout the cooling system. It is usually belt driven and located at the bottom of the machine, near the drive belt. This connects to the lower radiator hose, but sometimes those hose connections may become loose or may corrode. It may also have some kind of external damage that is causing it to leak. Regardless of the cause, when the water pump experiences a problem that prevents it from circulating coolant throughout the system, your engine will eventually overheat.

Read Also, Things you need to know about car radiators and tips for maintaining them

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