In today's modern era, The majority of cars have a sunroof feature. A sunroof is a glass that, when opened, can form a certain angle or rise to the top of the roof. The roof glass can come out so that air can enter through the sunroof. This system was previously used as a ventilation technology for city buses, where air can flow freely through the ventilation. Another advantage of the sunroof feature is wider view visibility compared to the two previous models. This model is generally equipped with curtains and anti-ultraviolet glass. Of course, it is interesting for passengers to be able to see the stars at night or the green trees during the day.

This sunroof feature, will make your car more elegant and luxurious. Not only that, The room in the car will look spacious if the sunroof is opened. However, It turns out that the sunroof also needs to be cared for like your car windows. Because basically the sunroof also has the same material as car glass, the only difference is in thickness. The sunroof has a thicker glass material than car glass. Below this, has summarized how to care for your car's sunroof properly and correctly. Come on, let's see!

Although called sunroof, It turns out that the sunroof is not good if exposed to direct sunlight. This is because if you are exposed to sunlight for too long, The sunroof will quickly become dull and moldy. Not only that, The rubber on the sunroof will also become brittle so that if there is rainwater, the roof of the car can leak into the car cabin. For, It's best to avoid direct exposure to sunlight so that your sunroof lasts longer.

Then, Always make sure that the drain on the sunroof is clean. The sunroof glass always has a water drain located behind the glass. Don't get that part dirty, because if so, it could clog the drain. How to clean it can be by pouring water into the channel to remove the dirt.

The final way to care for the sunroof, Don't forget to always pay attention to the sliding rail. The sliding rail functions to open the glass so that the cabin space looks wider, and unite with nature. If the sliding rail makes noise, The sign is that there is dirt in the area that is blocking it. Or it could be, needs lubricant.

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