According to the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 Year 2019, Using gloves while driving is one form of safety equipment. Gloves apparently have many functions, and plays an important role in safety riding besides jackets, helm, and shoes. Gloves and masks are two pieces of equipment that motorcyclists must use when riding during PPKM in Jakarta.

Using a mask when riding a motorbike serves to prevent dust and dirt from entering the nose and mouth. Meanwhile gloves, to minimize serious injuries if an accident occurs. This is to prevent the spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19). Below this, has summarized the importance of using gloves when riding two wheels, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic!

The first important function is as protection for your hands. While driving, Holding a motorbike's handlebars for a long time can make your hands sweaty, this can cause blisters. Nah, Using gloves can prevent these abrasions, or other friction that causes discomfort due to the vibrations produced when driving on the road.

Furthermore, The glove serves as a grip. If you drive during the rainy season, it is good to use gloves. This aims to make it easier for you to grip the motorbike handlebars in wet or damp conditions because of the grip. Nah, The better the quality of the gloves, the better the grip to be able to control the motorbike when riding two wheels. Sarung tangan juga berfungsi untuk menghangatkan tangan Anda pada saat musim penghujan. Sarung tangan akan membantu Anda menghindari hipotermia saat melintasi daerah yang dingin. However, In the dry season, gloves also function to protect the skin from sunburn.

For the last function, Gloves function to help reduce the potential for serious injury if an accident happens to you. Gloves can be the most essential function of using gloves when riding a motorbike. Usually, in the event of a collision or fall, reflex movements of the hand will immediately protect other parts of the body and this has the potential to cause injury to the hand. So therefore, It is very important to wear gloves.

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