Having a four-wheeled vehicle has now become an important necessity, However, having a car does not guarantee that you will not encounter various problems caused by the car. So knowledge is needed on how to overcome this tire slip problem so that it does not become an obstacle for car drivers on the road.

Now we have entered the rainy season, It's time for you to be aware of various potential problems that can make driving on slippery roads difficult. One important thing for you to worry about is the condition of your car tires, because wet and slippery roads can cause round tires to slip. What should you do if your car tires slip?? Below this, Otodiva.com has summarized several ways you can do if your car tires are slipping. Let's take a look!

The first thing you can do is to press the clutch until the vehicle regains control. The function of the clutch is to decide how much power from the engine is transmitted to the wheels. By pressing the clutch, The wheel can rotate without pressure. You can do this if the car has a manual transmission. However, if your car is with automatic transmission, then you can move the handle from D directly to neutral. If the handle cannot be moved directly, This means the car has an automatic transmission and can control slippage automatically too.

There are several factors, which can make your car tires skid. The factor is that the clutch handle free play distance is too tight, worn clutch lining, the clutch bolt is not tight enough, pressure plate is worn, weak clutch spring, lubricant too runny. However, There is also a way for you to avoid tire slippage, namely that you must often shift the transmission to a low gear when going uphill., reset the car clutch pedal. Replace the clutch with a new one for better results. Then, You can activate the handbrake, change the clutch lubricant, Avoid using lubricants that are too runny, Replace the clutch pressure plate, tighten the clutch mounting bolts, replace the clutch spring, adjust the distance in holding the clutch. And the last thing is to carry out regular tire maintenance.

Read Also, Do not confuse, This is How to Read Car Tire Size

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