For both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles, The horn functions as a means of communication between vehicles. Furthermore, the horn is a safety device that is very useful for reducing the risk of accidents that may arise while driving, Road communication must always run between motorized vehicles regardless of type. This is for safety, because there are blind spots when we drive or are not aware of our surroundings, the horn can be a reminder. For example, when you want to overtake a vehicle in front of you, You can sound the horn so that you are invited to overtake.

Usually the frequency of the horn sound is also differentiated between small vehicles such as motorbikes, light vehicle (mobil) and large vehicles (truck/bus). The bigger the vehicle, the higher the frequency of the horn sound. However, if the motorbike horn suddenly goes off, Of course this can threaten your safety. Nah, Below has summarized several ways you can deal with a dead motorbike horn, Come on, let's see!

The first thing you can do is check your motorbike battery when the horn goes off. Because the horn is one of the electrical parts of the machine, then the horn will be greatly influenced by the condition of the battery. You should know the signs that the battery needs to be replaced. If your motorcycle battery is really low, You need to replace it to get the horn working again.

Then, The next way is to clean your motorbike horn switch. If there is rust on the motorbike horn switch, will make the motorbike horn not sound. You can clean the rust on the horn switch by using rust cleaning fluid for motorbike chains. It turns out that rust on the motorbike horn switch can make your horn make a low sound until it goes dead after a while. So, Just tighten the bolt on your motorbike horn. If the sound of the horn on your motorbike gets smaller or suddenly disappears, this could be because the bolt adjusting the horn on your motorbike is loose..

Routinely check the condition of the horn during service and check your motorbike's horn cable. In general, There are two types of motorbike horn cables, namely mass cables and electrical cables.

The last thing you can do is to check the platinum bolts on your motorbike. This bolt is usually behind the motorbike horn. Nah, if the platinum bolt is no longer in its proper place, It's very normal for the horn not to sound. The first step you have to take is to disassemble it first and return the platinum bolt to its original position. But, It's best if you are not sure you can disassemble and reassemble the motor assembly, You can take it to a repair shop to have it handled by an expert.

Read Also, The sound of the horn will be replaced by the sound of the flute in India, This is the explanation!

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