Wing's first delivery drone service, finally launched in Australia, after flight tests lasting one year. Wing is Google's drone brand, which is also owned by its parent company, Alphabet. This drone offers food delivery services, coffee, and medicines around 100 house in Canberra. Drones have been trialled in Australia since 2014, but local residents protested because of the noise from the drone. Google Wing has served delivery 10 thousand cups of coffee, 2.700 sushi rolls, 1.000 roti, and 1.200 roasted chicken.

The Wing drone is a type of hybrid drone that is capable of flying at a height of approx 45 meter (100 legs). The drone can carry small packages to packages weighing approx 1,2 kilograms or just under 3 pon. While the distance, This drone can deliver packages within a radius of about six miles, with delivery in less than six minutes. After arriving at the delivery location, the drone doesn't actually land, but down to around seven meters or 23 legs, then lowers and releases the package automatically.

However, Currently, Wing has been forced to temporarily stop delivering goods using drones in Australia. This is because, there are repeated and persistent attacks by crows and other large birds. Australia has been one of the pioneers in the use of drones and is even planning to use unmanned quadcopters to detect COVID-19 cases, before privacy concerns ended that initiative. Drone Wing was repeatedly attacked by crows when the drone flew to the delivery location. Warbler, hawk, and other large birds also attack quadcopters. With this happening, which forced the company to suspend its operations for certain customers. It is unknown why birds react this way, but the report suggests that one of the results is territorial behavior during the spring nesting season. Conflicts between birds and drones are nothing new and hobby drone operators have been dealing with bird strikes for a long time. Drone delivery startups like Wing are already dealing with stifling laws and worrying regulatory bodies that have banned them in many countries, including most of the United States.

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