During a pandemic like this, some people may be reluctant to take their car to a car wash even though it is close. During a pandemic like this, it is necessary to always implement health protocols. Maybe washing your own car at home can make you feel safer from exposure to the corona virus out there. Nah, Following are some tips quoted by Otodiva.com from spokesperson.com. Come on, let's see!
1. Menyiapkan Semua Perlengkapan yang Diperlukan.
The best way is to use a spray nozzle hose for thorough cleaning. You will also need two buckets, one for soapy water and one for rinse water.
Use a soft sponge or car wash mitt to clean the main body of the car, but you can also get additional accessories like brushes and microfiber cloths to clean wheels and other specific areas. Set aside a microfiber cloth or chamois towel to dry. Buy car wash liquid as other cleaning solutions and soaps may be too harsh on the paint. You can also buy wheel and tire cleaner to tackle tough road grime.
2.Start With The Wheels Because They Are The Dirtiest Part Of The Car.
It's best to use a sponge or tire brush separately to avoid debris spreading to the car body. Coat the tires one by one with the cleaning solution, let it sit for a few seconds to remove dirt, then rub. Rinse the tire and brush, then move to the next wheel. Once the wheel is complete, discard the rinse bucket and soap bucket if you use them for wheels.
Before washing, You can use a foam gun to treat the car with a foaming cleaner to soak and lift dirt from the surface. Foam gun attachments usually require a pressure machine. This step is very helpful for rubbing dirt on car parts.
If you miss this method, Just go straight to the stage of rinsing the car. Try to remove as much dirt as possible with water using a spray nozzle hose before washing. When washing hands, work from top to bottom and on one part of the car at a time. Start with the roof, then the hood and onto the side panels. Wash the back last as it tends to be the dirtiest part.
3. Rinse the Glove or Sponge in the Rinse Bucket Between Each Part.
Some sources recommend using lateral movements because circular movements are thought to cause more scratches. After washing, immediately rinse and dry the car with a towel or better use microfiber or chamois. So that your work is faster, You can also dry the car using a leaf blower before finishing with a towel. Don't forget hidden areas where water can pool, like a door frame, casing, and spoilers.
For a streak-free look, clean the inside and outside of the window with a special glass cleaner. To protect your paint from the elements, apply spray detailer or wax to the car body. Rinse off any remaining dirt or debris from the cleaning agent before packing.
Here are some tips, Hopefully the tips above are useful for all of you!
Read Also, Tips for Washing an Electric Car Correctly