Organizing the GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show automotive exhibition (GIIAS) 2021 in Jakarta will end this week. Because it was held during the pandemic, There are several adjustments and provisions that are different from the previous year.
For those of you who are planning to visit GIIAS 2021 which is located at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE BSD), South Tangerang this week, Please note that GIIAS entry tickets are only sold online via the GIIAS Auto360 application found on the Google Play Store or Appstore and can also be accessed by accessing the website..
Apart from the conditions for purchasing entrance tickets, in the GIIAS area 2021 Complete health protocols have also been implemented, such as limiting the number of visitors in each booth, placement hand sanitizer, temperature check, to the Covid-19 task force team passing by to remind all visitors to continue to implement and pay attention to standard health protocols such as maintaining distance and always wearing masks..
Not only that, Before entering, there are other things you need to pay attention to so you can get around the GIIAS area safely and comfortably:
Prepare the PeduliLindung application
Before entering the GIIAS area 2021, At the entrance you will be directed to scan the QR code on the PeduliLindungi application. This is what it aims to do check in area when entering and to see that the capacity of visitors in the hall is still within a safe number.
Make sure you have received the full dose of the Covid-19 vaccine
For GIIAS visitors 2021 are required to have been vaccinated with the full dose of Covid-19 or have had two vaccines. This can also be detected in the PeduliLindung application before entering the area. So visitors who have not received the full dose of the Covid-19 vaccine are automatically not allowed to enter the GIIAS area 2021.
Use a mask that complies with government regulations
Even if you have had the full dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, Health protocols remain something that we must implement everywhere, including in the GIIAS area. Use a mask that complies with government recommendations, namely medical masks that have received distribution permits from the Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health), which consists of a surgical mask which must be combined with a cloth mask, masker N95, and KN95 masks. You can bring a spare mask in case the mask you are using is damaged or falls.
You can determine the needs you are looking for safely and comfortably
If you already know and apply the stipulated health provisions and protocols, Now is the time for you to explore the GIIAS area safely and comfortably. You can choose a vehicle to provide vehicle protection that suits your needs.
Astra Insurance is also present in the GIIAS series 2021 Jakarta is located in Hall 1, ICE BSD. Apart from that, you can get information about Garda Oto car insurance products from Astra Insurance, Of booth Astra Insurance is also available games which can be followed every day and will be there games special with attractive prizes at the weekend. Also enlivening the GIIAS series 2021 This, Garda Oto also has special offers for Garda Oto insurance buyers.
“During the GIIAS series 2021, we present a promo for 175 the first buyer to buy insurance comprehensive Garda Oto in cash. There will be special gift from Garda Oto in the form of air purifier or voucher car detailing to individual-based health insurance digital from Astra Insurance, Garda Healthtech. So apart from vehicles, The owner's health can also be protected,says L. Iwan Pranoto, Head of Communication and Customer Service Management Asuransi Astra.
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