The rearview mirror is one of the most important parts of your car. The function of the rearview mirror is to make it easier for the driver to see vehicles or objects from behind. In general, The rear view mirror has a big influence in avoiding accidents from behind the car you are driving. In line with the sophistication of vehicle electronics, Pushing the car's rear view mirror can be moved automatically. By using the car's electrical system, Car drivers do not need to use their hands to move the rearview mirror but can adjust it directly by pressing a button under the steering wheel. Nah, Below has summarized easy ways to care for your electric rearview mirror. Let's see!

The first way is to don't forget to clean your rearview mirror regularly. Especially when the rainy season comes. Raindrops that remain and are left alone on the electric rearview mirror can cause damage. Everything from dirt to rust can leave an impression on this part and then prevent its function from working properly. How to clean it is relatively easy, just by creating soapy water, then keep quiet and rub slowly, until the dust or dirt mixed with the rainwater disappears.

The most common thing that happens is that the electric mirrors cannot be moved automatically. Therefore, make sure to clean the mirrors directly after being exposed to rain. Then, You can move this part of the car regularly. Not to be trifled with, but more about "heating" this mirror. You can do this at the same time as warming up the car in the morning. Especially, if the car has been stored for a long time and is rarely used. Practicing the movement of the electric mirrors when warming up the car will prevent damage to this part of the car.

You should avoid operating the rear view mirror forcefully or roughly manually. This can damage the mechanism on the mirror. For those equipped with reractable, avoid folding the mirror manually or forcefully, because apart from damaging the regulatory mechanism, It can also disrupt the electrical settings. Avoid spraying high pressure water directly, because it could risk disrupting or even damaging the electrical components.

Read Also, It turns out this is the reason there are a pair of rear view mirrors on a motorbike

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