Technology is increasingly developing here, especially in the automotive world. In the past, many people were familiar with cars with manual transmissions where you had to step on the clutch, Now they have been replaced by automatic cars with automatic transmission. Cars with automatic transmissions themselves also continue to develop, which are now divided into two types. The first is a CVT transmission and the second is a conventional transmission. CVT is Continuous Variable Transmission while conventional is better known as AT or regular automatic. Nah, Below has summarized the differences between a CVT car and a regular automatic. Come on, let's see!

Many four-wheeled drivers don't know the difference between a CVT car and a regular automatic, because at first glance it looks the same. The difference is in terms of performance. CVT cars have two main parts, namely pulleys and steel belts. Each pulley will be driven by a fluid pump system so that power is distributed more perfectly to the two rear wheels by adjusting changes in speed and torque precisely. This working system results in the acceleration of the vehicle being more constant, free from jerks. Riders will feel smoother changes in speed levels so they feel comfortable. Plus the workload on the machine will be much lighter.

Meanwhile for regular automatic, using a torque converter. This part will utilize the oil pressure that comes from the valve body of the automatic transmission whose function is to move the input shaft. From how it works, The impact felt is that acceleration is better than CVT. Namun hentakan yang terjadi pada saat perpindahan gigi akan lebih terasa. Oleh karena itulah, engine brake dari transisi AT tidak akan sebagus dari CVT.

Perbedaan lainnya juga terdapat pada segi penggunaan bahan bakarnya. Pada mobil CVT, bahan bakar yang digunakan lebih irit. Hal ini disebabkan saat perpindahan gigi akan terjadi penurunan RPM di mana bahan bakar yang masuk ke ruang bakar akan berkurang. Sangat berbeda sekali dengan transmisi matic biasa yang lebih membutuhkan banyak bahan bakar, oleh karena itulah akselerasi yang dihasilkan lebih tinggi.

Perbedaan Terakhir yaitu, transmisi CVT terkenal dengan kehalusannya ketika berpindah gigi. Ketiadaan guncangan tersebut memang membuat pengendara merasa lebih nyaman dibanding dengan transmisi lainnya. Whereas, For ordinary automatic cars, when you shift gears, you feel a jolt, making it a little uncomfortable for the driver.

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