In taking steps to intensify electric-based vehicles, The government is trying to replace operational service vehicles with battery-based motorized vehicles (KBLBB). Director of Electricity Business Development, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Mrs. Ida Nuryatin Finhari, he said that the Indonesian government had received a road map for the use of electric vehicles.

According to him, This cannot be realized if the role of the Ministry of Transportation does not issue a plan for the need for electric vehicles for two and four wheels for the year 2021 until 2030, especially operational vehicles for the government. The role of the Ministry of Transportation is a big step that will advance environmental cleanliness in Indonesia.

"As we already know, this plan cannot be separated from the role of the Ministry of Transportation in realizing electric vehicles for the government. The Ministry of Transportation has carried out a lot of research, including simulations and milestones for the need for two- and four-wheeled electric vehicles over the years 2021 until 2030 specifically for operational vehicles for the government," said Mrs. Ida at the Indonesia Electric Motor Show or IEMS seminar.

Here are the details of the target number of electric vehicles that will become government official vehicles 2030:

2021: 13.236 electric car, 39.883 electric motor
2022: 26.100 electric car, 79.766 electric motor, 2.186 urban transportation
2023: 39.258 electric car, 119.649 electric motor, 7.671 urban transportation
2024: 52.682 electric car, 159.523 electric motor, 12.347 urban transportation
2025: 65.605 electric car, 199.415 electric motor, 16.223 urban transportation
2026: 77.814 electric car, 239.118 electric motor, 20.843 urban transportation
2027: 91.617 electric car, 278.971 electric motor, 25.771 urban transportation
2028: 105.419 electric car, 318.824 electric motor, 30.689 urban transportation
2029: 119.721 electric car, 358.677 electric motor, 35.907 urban transportation
2030: 132.983 electric car, 398.530 electric motor, 45.303 urban transportation.

Earlier in the year 2020, Minister of Transportation Mr. Budi Karya Sumadi, is the first pioneer in Indonesia to use electric-based official cars. According to him, through the use of electric-based vehicles is a government effort to provide development for environmentally friendly vehicles.

“Kementerian Perhubungan sudah menjadi pelopor penggunaan mobil listrik di tahun 2020, and I'm happy, karena hari ini janji saya sudah tercapai.” Ujar Menhub Budi Karya Sumadi.

Moeldoko, The President's Chief of Staff hopes that Indonesia can immediately realize this plan by switching to using electric vehicles in the near future. Moeldoko also hopes that Indonesia will not only become a market but also become a center for technological development and production of electric cars with the latest innovations.

Of course, this is a good plan, Paradiva, to reduce air pollution and also protect the surrounding environment. What does Paradiva think?, agree no?

Read Also, President Jokowi tried, Take a peek at the specifications of the Mitsubishi Minicab MiEV electric car

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