Make several people, Buying a car in used condition is absolutely impossible. Even though funds are tight, It's better to hold on to that desire until you have enough money to buy a new unit.
It's true, There are many things that are scary when someone decides to have a used car. Starting from his condition which was no longer dashing, to sellers who often use PHP like your ex.
Even though now it is the era of emancipation, But that doesn't mean all women understand the sound of knocking on the car body, or willing to get their hands dirty checking machines covered in dust.
Not to mention there are several lights on the dashboard, which for some women causes more panic than looking for clothes to go on a date.
But, as reported by, the advancement of time makes everything possible. Including, women who don't understand engines choose cars that are sold in used condition.
The first and most common way, Bring a partner or acquaintance who understands the ins and outs of cars and engines. Hand over the task of checking the status of the car you are targeting, while you are busy chatting with the cool and single owner.
Eh, But first ask why he is selling the car. If it turns out to be capital for marriage or because you need money, forget about chatting.
The second way is more practical. Currently available vehicle inspection services, which is usually rented by prospective used car buyers. They will come to check the condition of the car thoroughly, starting from the body, electricity, to the engine and tires.
The report will be submitted in the form of a pdf file, complete with the value of the condition of the car. If you give a good value, then the car is safe to buy. If the value is bad and you still want to buy it, Yes, it's up to you.