A video went viral on social media of a motorbike rider being ticketed by the police for escorting an ambulance. The motorcyclist wanted to open the way for the ambulance so that it could quickly reach the hospital without any traffic obstacles. However, this action was considered wrong or violated the rules by the police because the driver was deemed to have no rights and authority. A police officer asked several questions and explanations to the motorcyclist who was escorting the ambulance.
“Saya jelaskan, You violated Art 59, I repeat violates Article 12 Law Number 22 Year 2009. Where the authority regarding escort is the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia. Those who have the right to guard it are the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia. So civilians do not have the authority to carry out escorts. You have violated the rules, authority. If you still insist on the escort, you will be subject to criminal charges. In the article 287 ayat 4,” kata petugas polisi tersebut.
Through Law No. 22 Year 2009 regarding Road Freight Traffic, Ambulance is one of the vehicles that must be prioritized on the road. Motorists other than firefighters must give way to the ambulance. Even, The vehicles in the President's convoy are also obliged to give way first to the ambulance.
Quoted by the National Police Traffic Corps website, Dirgakkum Korlantas Polri Brigadier General Pol Aan Suhanan said, Even without an escort, people should give first priority to ambulances. Regarding authority to escort vehicles on the road, Aan explained that the only institution that is allowed to escort vehicles on the road is the police.
“Yang mempunyai kewenangan untuk pengawalan itu dari kepolisian, that is a legal trust that has been established,” he said.
The video uploaded by the TikTok account @sennulvc then received a lot of comments from netizens. Not a few netizens actually asked about the role of the police during this time when a civilian ambulance passed by. Although there are also things that are worrying, if the ambulance guards dare to act rudely to other road users. Even violent acts occurred.
“Bapaknya bener, but as a member of the public I have never seen the police escorting an ambulance, What I saw was motorbike escorts, and a group of sports cars, dll ?,” tulis @redenichtzuviel.
“Apalagi yang ngawal mobil jenasah sampe mukulin orang yang telat minggir,” tulis @johndoe412109
“Nah itu bapak tau aturanya kenapa setiap ada ambulan lewat enggak dikawal??.. but instead Harley's entourage was escorted,” tanya akun @callcenter25jam.
even so, According to information gathered, the man was not given strict sanctions and was only given a warning and explanation. So far this video has been watched more than 2,2 million times, liked almost 70.000, and commented 26.000 tiktok users.
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