Maintaining the color of your motorbike's body paint can be said to be easy or difficult. Because to maintain the youthfulness of the color, Sometimes just keeping your motorbike clean is not enough.
As it is a known fact that, Over time the color of the motorbike body paint will fade. Sooner or later, depending on the treatment and care carried out by the owner.
Direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun can damage the motorbike paint layer, so the paint color can look dull. This happens more often to motorbikes parked in open areas, so that the motorbike body will be directly exposed to the heat of the sun. Because of that, Try to park your motorbike in a shady place to avoid direct sunlight.
Content in rainwater such as nitric acid (HNO3) can damage the motorbike body paint layer. This can be made worse if we live in urban areas with high air pollution where the nitric acid content is higher.
This condition can accelerate the damage to the motorbike paint layer and speed up the corrosion process on metal components. So therefore, It is necessary to immediately rinse or wash the motorbike with clean water after being exposed to rainwater.
Even though it seems trivial, Dust that stays on the body for too long will reduce the shine of the motorbike body paint. Besides that, Dust also has the potential to create fine scratches or scratches which will ultimately reduce the shine of the paint and make the motorbike less unsightly..
To prevent paint fading due to dust, wash it regularly. Make it a habit to rinse it with clean water before washing it with a cloth.
Use of washing soap
Apart from the improper washing process, Using inappropriate soap or shampoo can also make the color of your motorbike's body paint fade quickly. This is caused by the harsh chemical content in soap or shampoo which can speed up the process of fading paint color. Because of that, You can use special vehicle shampoo if you are washing it.