Buying a car certainly requires careful consideration so that it suits the driver's needs. Generally, There are two options for those of you who want to own a car for the first time, yakni membeli mobil baru ataupun second. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangannya serta mana yang cocok untuk Anda? Yuk kita cek satu persatu.
Mobil Baru
Tentunya ada beragam keuntungan yang bisa didapatkan dengan membeli mobil baru. Berbeda dengan membeli mobil second, Anda tidak perlu mengecek kondisi mobil satu persatu karena mobil baru tentu telah lolos uji dari inspeksi pabrik serta menggunakan komponen-komponen terbaru yang usia pakainya masih panjang, sehingga minim resiko kerusakan. Pun, beberapa pabrikan juga masih menyediakan garansi apabila terdapat cacat produksi.
Besides that, beberapa pabrikan juga memberikan service gratis untuk setiap pembelian mobil baru, like Honda which provides free service up to 4 year / 50.000 km, so that consumers only pay for spare parts.
Then, Another advantage of buying a new car is that insurance premiums are relatively more affordable. This is because new cars have a lower risk of damage, so the premium price offered also tends to be cheaper than if you apply for insurance for a second-hand car.
Final, from a practical side of the transaction, Purchasing a new car also tends to be easier because of the plate manufacturing process, BPKB and STNK have been taken care of by the dealer. This is different from buying a second hand car, where you need to change the name of the previous car owner.
Mobil Second
On the other hand, Buying a second hand car also has several advantages, especially for those of you who want a car at a more affordable cost. Second hand cars definitely have a cheaper price than buying a new car, which can be adjusted to suit your budget. However, It's best to set aside your own budget to carry out repairs because there may be several components that need to be repaired when you buy a second hand car.
Besides that, depresiasi harga pada mobil second tentu lebih rendah dibandingkan mobil baru. Rata-rata penyusutan mobil baru bisa mencapai sebesar 10%, then increased to 20-25% in the first year. Meanwhile, depreciation on second hand cars is smaller, usually as big as 9-12% per year.
Then, The tax charged for second-hand cars is also lower than the tax for new cars. But don't forget to pay attention to progressive taxes, because if you have more than one car, the tax charged will also increase.
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