Generally, when you drive a motor vehicle for the first time, you will definitely feel nervous or afraid, This condition is normal for everyone. However, ketakutan ini sebenarnya dapat membahayakan diri sendiri maupun orang lain apabila tidak segera diatasi.

This is because when you are nervous your body will vibrate and cause your balance to decrease. Kondisi inilah yang membuat proses belajar mengendarai motor sedikit terhambat.

However, You don't need to worry about this because the article below will discuss ways to overcome nervousness and fear when learning to ride a motorbike. Reporting from Otosia, Here's how to overcome fear when riding a motorbike.

Dare myself

The first thing that must be mastered when learning to ride a motorbike is courage or self-confidence. It's best not to wait for other reasons that could trigger you not learning to ride a motorbike. Sebenarnya rasa takut dapat diatasi dengan selalu berpikir positif dan menanamkan mindset jika pasti bisa melakukan hal apapun.

Take a deep breath

Before riding a motorbike, it's a good idea to take a deep breath first, followed by a slow exhale. This can make you feel a little calmer. If you have taken a breath, tarik tuas gas secara perlahan.

Enjoy the Journey

After successfully pulling the gas lever, make sure you are in a stable position and don't rush to pull the gas deeper. Nikmati perjalanan sembari pandangan tetap fokus ke depan.

Study on the Large Yard

If you are still in the early stages of learning, It's best to avoid highways or winding roads. It is recommended to study in a large open yard with quiet conditions. Hal ini ditujukan agar mengurangi resiko kecelakaan dan kesusahan saat proses belajar.

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